
Thursday, April 7, 2011

There Will Be Pestilence

Another sign that Jesus said to watch for was pestilence.   Webster defines pestilence as follows:  "Any virulent or fatal contagious or infectious disease especially one of epidemic proportions, as bubonic plague."

So we watch for news reporting potential fatal diseases.

Today we have a few headlines regarding coming potential pestilence.

A DEADLY superbug has been found in about a quarter of water samples taken from drinking supplies and puddles on the streets of New Delhi, according to a new study.

Experts say it's the latest proof that the new drug-resistant bacteria, known as NDM-1, named for New Delhi, is widely circulating in the environment - and could potentially spread to the rest of the world.

The superbug can only be treated with a couple of highly toxic and expensive antibiotics.
Since it was first identified in 2008, it has popped up in several countries, including the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada and Sweden.

Most of those infections were in people who had recently travelled to, or had medical procedures in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.

Read more:

And this one:

Antibiotic-resistant infections have reached unprecedented levels and now outstrip our ability to fight them with existing drugs, European health experts are warning.
Each year in the EU over 25,000 people die of bacterial infections that are able to outsmart even the newest antibiotics.
The World Health Organization says the situation has reached a critical point.
A united push to make new drugs is urgently needed, it says.
Without a concerted effort, people could be dealing with the "nightmare scenario" of a worldwide spread of untreatable infections, says the WHO.
Wow!  That sounds pretty serious when the experts use words like "nightmare scenario".
But the Bible is VERY clear about the coming Tribulation.  It will be period of torment and nightmares like the world has NEVER seen before.  Jesus goes on to say that if HE personally didn't come and put an end to the Tribulation that NO FLESH would survive.
Friends, there are over 7 billion people on planet earth.  That is an awful lot of flesh to perish.

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