
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jewish Rabbi Says Messiah Coming in 2012

We all know all the catastrophes that are predicted for 2012.  If you don't then use the search engine on this blog and you can read about many of them.

And today we found another one.

Apparently a Rabbi who is an expert in Bible codes claims that the code clearly says that the Jewish Messiah is coming around Passover of 2012.

Read article and see video here;

Of course we need to remember that this Rabbi has not accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  And of course the Bible tells us that most Jews will accept the Antichrist as their messiah when he comes.  Otherwise why would they allow him into the Holy of Holies in the soon to be built 3rd Temple?

So could it be possible that this is one other Satanic deception that is coming for 2012?  Is it possible that he will come on scene in 2012 while the world waits expectantly for SOMETHING BIG to happen?

Of course it's possible.  But remember one VERY important thing.   If the Antichrist IS revealed in 2012 it means that the rapture of the church has ALREADY happened....because 2 Thessalonians tells us very clearly that he will not be revealed until the "restrainer" is removed which is holding evil back.

Who is "the restrainer"?  None other than the Holy Spirit which indwells in all born again Christians.

How is He removed?  When the last trumpet sounds and our savior yells in a loud voice to "COME UP HERE!"  There we will meet Jesus Christ in the clouds and be with Him forever and ever.


  1. scratWhy can't we Jews believe in our own TaNaK(Bible) and believe HaShem is TRUTH??? jsus is NOT Messiah...Our Bible says this person comes from the Tribe of Judah...He has an earthly Father...why can't you christians read and believe the ALMIGHTY??? HaShem says that we the Jews are SAVED!!! it is you the GOYIM that needs TORAH..jsus said that the way to ETERNAL LIFE is to Keep TORAH!!! how hard is that to understand??

  2. Good Morning Israel,
    followers of Christ read the same Bible as you. Christ came to fulfill what the Old Testament was foreshadowing. Christ then made a NEW TESTAMENT with His followers and because He WAS GOD in the flesh, He became the FINAL SACRIFICE to atone for all sin. That is why we don't sacrifice animals anymore to approach Hashem at The Temple (if there were one)...because we are covered with the blood of Christ, the perfect lamb, so we can approach the throne room of God for forgiveness of our sins BECAUSE of what Christ did for us. Also, the NT is very clear that Jesus comes from the Tribe of this confirms what the OT says. Revelation 5:5, 'Then one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep! See, the Lion fo the tribe of Judah, the Rood of David,has triumphed. He is abe to open the scroll and its seven seals.' So we followers of Christ DO read the Bible. I spend time reading the OT almost every single day and just finished Genesis and Exodus on my way through reading the Bible from cover to cover every year. Isiah says the messiah would be born of a virgin...and Jesus was. He had no earthly father. Micah 5:2 says the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem...and Jesus was. Jesus fulfilled over 300 OT prophesies which proves that He is God/Messiah. It is mathmatically impossible for it to be anyone else. He came first as the suffering servant and at his second coming to earth he will be bringing the wrath of God to be poured out in full measure for all those who opposed Him. Jesus IS the capstone to God's marvelous story. "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this and it is marvvelous in our eyes." Psalm 118:22-23 So you see Israel, WE DO WORSHIP the same God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We LOVE all of the OT because it points us daily to the Messiah. Finally please understand that more Jews are coming to faith in Jesus Christ than at any other time. The world seems to be turning upside down before our very eyes so I pray that you will ask Hashem directly to open your eyes and reveal to you that Jesus is Messiah...and he is coming back...maybe sooner than anyone realizes. God bless you.

  3. My friend, jsus is not G-d...I can't believe that xtians believe sad :( G-d NEVER has made a Covenant with the Gentiles, NEVER!! The prophesy for Mashiach is to us, his CHOSEN..ok? Jsus is NOT talked about in our TaNaK at all, sorry..I read Hebrew and speak it, thats a church machine LIE!! I will get no where with any one on this thing I will say is Studying is good..I will continue to study and I pray you will also...jsus said to have ETERNAL LIFE is to KEEP TORAH!! you know why?? because he was a JEW!!! If he was a sacrifice then why does OUR TaNaK say that when the 3rd Temple is built that Animal Sacrifices along with the Levitical Priest hood will be reinstated?? Alos why does HaShem say NO MAN can take the sins of another?? Why does the book of JOB say that ALL MEN are BORN OF A WOMAN IS A SINNER?? there you go..jsus was NOT PERFECT..he went under CIRCUMCISSON on the 8th day, so he was not PERFECT..he was also beat before he was again he was NOT PERFECT to be a sacrifice..a Sacrifice has to be how the ALMIGHTY says it to be..but what I have noticed about xtians is they don't care what G-d says, only paul..G-d says DON"T ADD TO MY WORD...but you gentiles has....America is in sad shape with a church on every corner...why? You have 2,000 different xtian denominations who point the finger at each other...We Jews could careless what you believe..It means nothing to us...G-d says HE IS OUR REDEEMER and we JEWS BELIEVE HIM ONLY!! sorry...Can you read my Bible in the Hebrew?? can't...I can..and I see all the gentile mistakes..its amusing to see all the lies your people has put in...Don't you think ist awfully funny that the Catholic Church won't let anyone see the Dead Sea scrolls?? I don't question a xtians faith, I question your WISDOM...STUDY!!

  4. Good Morning Israel, I would love to continue this dialogue with you because I believe you may be searching for The Truth about Jesus. If you haven't already I would suggest you read the book of Hebrews which was written by a Pharisee named Saul, later known as Paul. At one point he was zealous to protect Judaism and was so serious about denying Jesus that he was involved in killing some of the early Jews who had accepted Christ as Messiah. So Paul probably knew more about Judaism and keeping Torah and the law than most Jews do today...and yet once he understood who Jesus was his name was changed to Paul and he went on to be a huge champion for the faith of early followers of Jesus Christ. I can only assume by your comments that you believe that Jesus was in fact on earth since you use his name. Every person on earth needs to make a decision on Jesus...either he WAS who he said he was (the Son of God, the final sacrifice) or he was a pathological liar. Those are the two choices that everyone has. You can't say he was a rabbi and a good teacher because he claimed numerous times that he was God and his comments, miricals and teachings were witnessed by thousands of Jews all over Israel. So if you believe he was ONLY a teacher and rabbi then you also must believe he was a liar. Since thousands of Jews are currently coming to salvation through faith in Christ...I would invite you to go directly to Hashem and ask Him straight up to tell you or show you the truth about Jesus. Also if you want to talk more here is my email; Also please understand that I believe ALL of the Old Testament...especially the part that tells us to bless the Jews and to bless Israel. "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you." So with that being said I will promise to pray for you as you seek the Truth about Jesus. Please keep me posted on what you discover about Jesus....either a liar...or he is God who came in flesh, Emanuel (God with us)

  5. My friend once again you avoid everything I said..and , there are NOT thousands of JEWS coming to the xtian belief system...thats a LIE!! I don't believe anything paul wrote..he was a Knostic ....ok? His teachings were not the same as jsus' was..let me ask you this my xtian Acts 15 paul is before Yaakov(James) the BROTHER of jsus and Kefah(Peter), they hated each other which is very evident in your writings ....when paul came before the Jerusalem Council for his teachings against the TORAH...what was said by the BROTHER of jsus?? TO KEEP THE 7 NOACHIDE LAWS AND GO TO SYNAGOGUE EVERY SABBATH TO STUDY TORAH!!!! Thats in your BIG KJV me ask you you do anything they said to do?? Do you keep the sabbath?? Do you go to SYNAGOGUE??? Do you keep the Feasts of the Lord??? don't because the CHURCH MACHINE has changed it all....In 1 john it says that if you don't walk as jsus walked the YOU ARE A LIAR!!! AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN YOU!!! My friend by your own bible you are a LIAR..jsus was a Rabbi and kept the TORAH and you don't ...your the one who is LOST..not us Jews..our Covenant is FOREVER...Good Luck and again you need to study because you have NO UNDERSTANDING of your own bible...its a war document...who was the occupier at the time??? Rome...isn't it funny they are the saints in your GREEK GARBAGE bible...and why was James and Peter at the TEMPLE DAILy?? Because they were Jews doing Sacrifices...even after jsus was dead..ok? Paul kept doing them as need to read your own bible...what a joke

  6. One more thing I would like to add Dennis...Your Greek Mythology bible says that when jsus was crucified that 500 PEOPLE(ZOMBIES) walked out of their graves!! That was one of the most chronicled times in history, if that would of been true then EVERY WRITER would of written something about the GREATEST EVENT IN HISTORY!!! I just can't believe that you xtians believe that hog wash and try to tell us Jews to "JUST HAVE FAITH"...well, you are free to believe in fairy tales and Mythos, but as for me and my house, WE WILL SERVE YHVH!!!! There is also not one shread of evidence that jsus ever existed as well...not in the roman papers or Jewish...doesn't it bother you as a xtian that there are many demi gods like jsus with the SAME STORY?? ALL have the same birthday of DEC 25th??? All before jsus was invented?? But you will tell me that they are all fake but your story is REAL?? You should look at Mythra and Zoroastrianism , its the same exact story you follow my xtian friend...You see, we Jews are called the people of the BOOK because we study...we know what we believe and why we believe it...I know what you believe and why you believe it as well..I have to because Im a Jew and if I don't study then I could fall prayto your Greek Mythos...All these facts I bring to you mean nothing to you because it doesn't matter what G-d says..its only your own fill good movement that counts...whatever the preacher says..HOG WASH!!

  7. Good morning again,
    of course I can't type fast enough to address all your challenges...but needless to say, I do have answers for all of them as do the scriptures. Acts 15 that you reference, James clearly says, "Brothers, listen to me. Peter has described to us how God at first showed his concern by taking from the Gentiles a people for himself. THe words of the prophets are in agreement with this, as it is written." He then goes on to quote the JEWISH prophet Amos...which talks about how God worked through the Jews, then offered salvation to the Gentiles, and after the Church age is finished, (when Christ returns for His bride the church) God will again turn back to working his plans through the Jews and the nation of Israel. Read it for yourself in Acts 15 and Amos 9. Also I will give you some passages to read out of the OT that clearly point to the FACT THAT JESUS CHRIST IS MESSIAH...and ONLY JESUS. But BEFORE YOU READ THESE...I WOULD invite you to ask Hashem to reveal to you the Truth about Jesus. Here are some OT prophecies that clearly point to the Messiah....and JESUS fulfilled them all. Micah 5:2, Isaiah 7:14, Zechariah 9:9, Isaiah 53:1,3, Psalm 188:22, Isaiah 53:8, Psalm 22:7-8, Psalm 22:14,16,18, Psalm 16:10. Those are just a few, but many more clearly show that Jesus is Jewish, he came to fulfill the law, and he came to offer salvation to ALL WHO WOULD BELIEVE. We are saved by FAITH....NOT BY WORKS and NOT BY THE LAW. If salvation comes by keeping the 10,000 OT laws...I have an idea that you and 99.9% of all Jews on earth are going to be found sorely lacking in your obedieance to those laws. I will continue to pray for you Israel and will pray the God will allow your eyes to be opened to the TRUTH of who Jesus is. God bless you! Finally, I want to direct you to a Jew who has an incredible website and can help you understand (probably better than I) why so many THOUSANDS of JEWS are coming to Jesus Christ for salvation. More have come in the past 20 years than in the previous 2000.

  8. Once again you side step about acts 15..NO WHERE in TaNaK does it talk about jsus..and NO WHERE does it say that the Mashiach will be devine and die for our sins..that is a gentile created belief..ok? My friend, if jsus would of full filled Scripture then we would of made him our King...thats all that Mashiach gentiles made it mean something other than what it does...for your (Catholic) agenda....My G-d says DO NOT ADD TO MY your Greek Trash does not mean a hill of beans to me or any Jew who studies..We don't care who Mashiach is, its not our Salvation, YHVH is our salvation..He says"He is the FIRST and the LAST, there is NOONE LIKE HIM!! So, you say jsus is god? but he wa slike everyone else..judas had to kiss him so the guards would know who he was because he looked like everyone else...G-d can not be a man..he says it in can not take the INFINITE and put it in a FINITE body..and why would he have to die for?? You need to study..He forgives without sacrifices all through our TaNaK..He desires OBEDIENCE over only know what your twisted preachers teach you and what you Greek Trash says...Do you even know how your bible was put together?? What a joke HaHa..yes, thats scripture birth and all..then men who put it together wasn't the best of humans I can need to study about all the 200,000 thousand mistakes in your Greek Garbage...again..our TaNaK is from G-d and his prophets..your Greek Trash doen't have any authors(Gospels)..the "Church" made them up..Yea..have faith...NEVER in your xtian twisted beliefs..NEVER!!! My people has been killed for 2,000 yrs due to xtian brotherly love..

  9. Hi again Israel,
    of course I can't convince you that Jesus is the Christ...only the Holy Spirit can do that. I will invite you one more time to ask Hashem to reveal to you whether Jesus IS THE CHRIST. It's really very simple. Ask Hashem if the Old Testament passages that I gave you were actually fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Maybe he will reveal the truth to you in a dream or he is doing with so many today. As the JEWISH prophet Joel said when speaking about the Day of the Lord, "I will pour out my Spirit on all people, your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days." I have some of my fellow followers of Christ praying for you and we will pray that Hashem will very clearly reveal to you that Jesus Christ is Savior, Lord and King...and that one day he will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem and fulfill all the rest of the prophesies that the JEWISH prophets foretold. What a day that will be! Blessings to you and thanks for taking the time to write me so that I can better understand what some Jews believe.

  10. Dennis you are a good man, Im very passionate on my Bible as you are yours...and NO, you will NEVER convince me of any Greek Trash, sorry..I know your a good man but your fed lies..You never answer any question I throw at you...thats what xtians do, they dodge and change the subject and "We will pray for you"...I don't need your prayers..ok? Your the one who is blind because you don't believe believe ROME....I don't believe in "HELL" like you do and don't believe your going there like you do me...I have my way to G-d and you have yours...G-d is loving and understanding...he knows what we been fed growing up no matter what religion...the xtian faith has killed more people than all the wars combined...why can't we be Jews and you be a xtian?? and respect each other? I won't tell you what G-d says and you won't tell me what Rome says..ok? Good Sabbath...oh..thats right, you don't keep the sabbath...I forgot...Rome said not to, but you are a follower of a 1st century Jewish Rabbi..My bad:) I follow jsus more than you do..what a joke

  11. Good morning Israel,
    I have tried to answer your questions, but you just keep throwing out more. I gave you passages from the OT that show very clearly that JEWISH prophets told the JEWS very clearly how to recognize the JEWISH Messiah...and G-d gave him the name Jesus and first revealed this name to the virgin Mary...who was JEWISH. Sometimes you quote James, Paul and if you hold them in high regards...and in the next sentence you say you don't believe a word they say? So not sure what you want me to say? If you don't accept the NT as authoritative....then why would you bring up Acts 15? Also, I have nothing to do with Rome so I'm not sure why you bring that up. And finally, you say G-d is loving and that true...or is he just? What would the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah say to that? How about Korah and his family when they rebelled against Moses? How about the Hebrews who made a golden calf or came too close to Mount Sinai? How about the thousands of Jews that died because of King David's sin? "For G-d so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Yes the Name of Jsus is NOT mentioned in the OT...but Jesus is the ONLY ONE who fulfilled all the OT passages that I gave you that come from the OT...which PROVES He is who He said he is. You say that there aren't but THERE ARE thousands of Jews who ARE coming to the realization that Jsus is Messiah...they are called Messianic Jews...and I know some of them personally. If you want to debate with another Jew who speaks Hebrew and has accepted Christ I can steer you to some. And yes THERE ARE PLENTY OF SHREDS of evidence that Jesus was on earth...and thousands of Jews walked with him and witnessed his miricals and hundreds witnessed his resurected body walking around Israel after they had witnessed him die on a cross. I don't want to be confrontational with you Israel because I realize that I can never convince you with words alone. So again I ask you to ask Hashem if Jsus is all one big you have claimed. Blessings to you Israel! I thank G-d daily for the mighty work he did through the Jews and thank Him daily for what he is doing, and is going to do, through the nation Israel.

  12. Calling the TaNaK the "Old Testament" is very disrespectful to Jews...what you are implying is that G-d died..just so you know...I brought up your Greek Bible because you don't even believe what them guys say...and I brought up ROME because they are the "Mother" church...your religion is not even 500 yrs old and your tell people "Just Believe" and you'll be saved..It doesn't matter what G-d says...only PAUL!!! Lets see what G-d says about Human sacrifice, He says its an ABOMINATION to him...WOW!!! So in your eyes My ABBA IN HEAVEN IS A LIAR!!! What does HaShem say about the TORAH??? He says its FOREVER!!! But again you serve a liar!!! Our G-d says that the MASHIACH will BE HUMAN!!! and once again he lied....HaShem says HE CAN NOT BE A MAN...but you don't believe him on ANYTHING do you?? Only what ROME dictates...Have you ever studied about the "Ebionites" they were the original followers of jsus, of course Rome had to kill them all because they were HEARATICS ..they believed jsus to be Mashiach(KING) but not devine...and certainly not G-d...Dennis I could go on and on...It all boils down to if you believe G-d...we Jews do believe him..You should read the 16 CRUCIFIED SAVIORS..You would learn how your religion came into being..xmas and easter are pagan...everything about xtianity is pagan..its a GREAT SIN for a Jew to believe in jsus as G-d and the trinity..Also HaShem says that Judah is the Law Giver..we keep the Torah like He told we can't un keep it because 100 yrs after a crucified Jew died someone wrote a story and letters about him..sorry..also I do study you bible to find Jewish parts...there are some of course but alot has been added too by Rome of course..I believe if jsus were here he would be very upset over people praying to him and forming a religion about him...he never once said that he was changing anything, he kept the sabbath and ALL FEAST DAYS..DO YOU?? He wore TZITZIT, DO YOU??? HE HAD SIDE LOCKS, DO YOU? he ate KOSHER, DO YOU?? He loved his people so much and his teachings show that, everything he taught was from the TORAH and the TALMUD, which xtians say is from the DEVIL..You say that jsus was the Son Of G-d?? I am too...thats nothing for a Jew to say that..Lets let G-D tell you who his son is...Exodus 4:22...G-D says that "ISRAEL" is his FIRST BORN SON!!! My my...and again, you don't believe G-d...xtians do not serve the G-d of Israel, you serve a LIAR god who changes his mind all the time...when he says something is forever it means nothing to you..Today is the you Keep It?? Do you study LaShon HaKodesh?? Holy Tongue?? Hebrew??? you people make jsus a blond haired blue eyed pork eating sunday keeping xtian....he was nothing of the you actually think jsus lked gentiles??? You better read your own bible then because he detested them, remember he called the lady who asked him to heal her daughter A GENTILE DOG,Ha Ha..and if he is Mashiach he is coming for his Jewish people FIRST!!! Thats the Prophecy he doesn't like you and is not coming for you...and you pray to this absurd to make a man god when he clearly says Im only HERE FOR ISRAEL in matt 5...You xtians are a so funny:)You keep me laughing with your paganism beliefs like they are from G-d...EVERYTHING you believe is PAGAN...enjoy your SUN-DAY praying to dead man

  13. I'm sorry if I was disrespectful in saying OT. You are probably the first Jew I have ever spoken to that has ever studied the Bible. The few Jews I have had as friends don't even know what Passover is and don't keep any Jewish law. In the TaNak it says, Isaiah 8:14
    He will be a holy place; for both Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. And for the people of Jerusalem he will be a trap and a snare.

    Who is the "he" to which Isaiah refers? The JEWISH pharisee, Saul (Paul) tells us the answer in Romans 9; 31 but the people of Israel,(JEWS) who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal. 32 Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
    “See, I lay in Zion a stone (Jesus) that causes people to stumble
    and a rock that makes them fall,
    and the one who believes in him (Jesus) will never be put to shame.”

    So according to G-d, spoken through Isaiah, and Paul the JEWISH Pharisee...the Jews who pursued the law as a way of righteousness have not attained their goal.

    We are saved by faith...not that no man can boast.

    Finally, Jesus is not dead, my friend, he died and on the third day rose again and is currently seated at the right hand of G-d. We true followers of Christ worship the RISEN Lord. And yes, He is coming back. And when He does he will fulfill the other 600+ prophesies that were written by the JEWISH prophets.

    Israel, again I have no hard feelings towards you...even though you seem to be very combative towards me. I believe ALL (100%) of the TaNak and I believe HaShem is 100% Truth. I love the nation of Israel and was blessed to be able to go there in 2006. I love the JEWISH people and believe that we are supposed to bless them because "all the world will be blessed" through them. I praise G-d for the mighty works that he has done through the sons of Jacob...and the mighty works that He will do in the future. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem daily and pray that USA will stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel in any conflict with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria or any other nation or government that seeks her destruction.

    G-d tells us clearly in Ezekiel 37 that HIS people (JEWS) will be gathered from all nations and brought back into their land...the fact that Israel is a nation once again after being scattered for 2000 years is living proof of the Awesome G-d that we both worship.

    Blessings to you Israel. Let's now go in peace and serve the Lord.

  14. kThat was a nice letter my friend...I can be overbearing at times and apologize for some of my out bursts :) I have studied everyone of the so called prophecies about jsus and NOT 1 has lined up..I have read many books written about jsus by Rabbis and Scholars (Jewish)and its very deceptive how the church has crammed jsus into everything..I have talked with many Jews who grew up like your friends who knew nothing of their own religion , and when something was wrong in there life a xtian would start preaching jsus to them and they would convert...until they studied and they would leave the church lie...You will NOT FIND ORTHODOX JEWS converting..we know how to read our own know then its a crime in Israel too preach jsus to a miner, they put you in jail for that and they should..what arrogance xtians have to try and change do you tell a Hindu or Moslem that everything they believe is a Lie?? You can't, people can believe what they want..G-d has a BRIT(Covenant) with us FOREVER, and we have to live by it...As for you, you sound lie a friend to Israel but your a xtian and you believe Im going to HELL because I don't believe a man can be G-d..and why do I believe that? because my Torah which came from G-d says it...Why do I believe Mashiach will be Human with 2 human parents? because my Torah says he will..Everything I said about your bible and pagan beliefs are 100% TRUTH...xtianity is a religion of submission with the threat of HELL over your head..You know why I serve G-d? not because of HELL but because I love him..and he hides behind every HEBREW LETTER in the TaNaK waiting for us to find him..he chose us(JEWS) to keep Torah..our Faith is THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD THAT COMES BY NATIONAL REVELATION..every Man,Woman and Child heard his Siani..He told us how to worship him, what he likes..and we excepted..I can not and will not ever believe anything any xtian says..Im sure your a good man but you do not worship the G-d of Israel, because if you did..You wouldn't go to wanna follow the 1st century Rabbi named Yeshua?? Then get off all your flimsy excuses and go to Synagogue and tell a Rabbi why he can't understand his own Bible but you a gentile can:) Tell him how you can't read or speak Hebrew but only the kjv is the real word of G-d:) jsus still has his TRUE FOLLOWERS...the EBIONITES..I talk to them guys every now and then....they are kool...They don't believe anything Paul says..and only the book of Matthew..minus the virgin birth Myth...If I was a xtian it would seriously bother me about all the other demi gods virgin born and all share the same birthday..the jsus story is as old as the world is..just with different names...xtianity didn't start 2,000 yrs ago, it started 5,000 yrs ago..where did your boy paul go when he had his vision?? Not to Jerusalem but study because thats where it all started...thats a whole other can of worms that you would really think I was crazy:) anywho, it was nice chatting with you for these few days:) What have we established? Im a happy Jew and your a happy CHRISTIAN :) Good luck to you and I wish you al the best in life. Baruch HaShem!!

  15. Vatican Requests 1,500-Year-Old Bible Held In Turkey

    Today's Zaman reports that the Bible is under high security and that a Turkish daily newspaper, the Star, claims the book could be a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas -- a controversial text which Muslims claim is an addition to the original gospels -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John -- that was suppressed.

    In it, Jesus is said to have predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

    See it here:

  16. Hi Mr. Israel Coleman,

    Nice discussion here. What is your opinion of Isaiah 53? Who is it talking about?

    Best wishes,
