
Monday, April 25, 2011

"Freedom" Demands Come to Syria

Looks like the Syrians would also like to have some freedom from their tyrannical dictator....but the dictator is squashing them. 

Mr. Obama! in the air support like you did in Libya!  Demand that President Assad step down like you did in Egypt!!  Oh can't keep doing that because your campaign promise was "No more war!"...and because we are flat broke, as a nation, and can't afford to keep hurling Tomahawk Missiles into every freedom lovers cause that pops up.  So what is your foreign policy Mr. Obama?  Are you gonna just keep wingin' it and see how that goes?

(Reuters) - Residents of the city of Deraa, cradle of the pro-democracy protests that have swept Syria, painted a chilling picture on Monday of an assault by security forces using tanks, heavy artillery and machine guns.

Artillery pounded the town, electricity and most telephone lines were cut and soldiers took over mosques and other key locations, residents reported.

Foreign correspondents are being kept out of Syria so the reports could not be verified, but residents contacted by telephone painted a consistent picture of a ruthless attempt to subjugate the city through military force.

A prominent activist said at least 18 people were killed by gunfire and tank shelling, adding to the grim toll of a month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad which human rights groups say has already cost 350 lives.

"Army units are pounding Deraa at this moment. There seems to be no end to the sounds of heavy machinegun fire and occasional mortars," said resident Abu Salem, several hours after the tanks rolled in at dawn.

Another witness said he had seen bodies lying in a street near the Omari mosque after eight tanks and two armored vehicles were deployed in the old quarter. A pall of black smoke hung over the city.

See it here;

Remember why we watch Syria closely?...because Isaiah 17 is yet to be fulfilled and the prophet certainly had a vision of a coming day when Damascus (capital of Syria) would be turned into a permanent ghost town.

Of course the rumbling happening today in Syria is drawing Damascus closer to the day of her destruction.

"See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins."  Isaiah 17:1

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