
Monday, April 25, 2011

Poison Gas on Iranian Ship

This headline is new so not a ton of info yet;

Iranian Ship Loaded with Poison Gas for Syria Stopped in Egypt

Remember that Syria is a puppet of Iran, and remember that Iran is growing VERY nervous about the uprisings we posted about earlier happening in Syria.  Why??  Because they have a lot of time and money invested in Syria, plus Syria is right on the border of Iran's ancient enemy, Israel, and Iran wants access through Syria.

So do you think this poison gas could be meant for Assad to use on his own Syrian citizens like Saddam Hussein did in Iraq?

Or could they be trying to get poison gas to Syria to ultimately use on the Jews in Israel?

Remember what the IDF General in charge of the Israel Northern Command said 3 years ago....."If we find one dead dog in northern Israel and determine it was killed by Syrian gas....Damascus will be done."
Sounds like foreshadowing of Isaiah 17....again.

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