Sunday, April 10, 2011

Most Puzzling Cosmic Blasts Ever

This headline is just one more in a long list of "ever", "never", "worst", "biggest", reports that seem to be coming our way on a daily the birth pangs continue.

NASA is studying a surprising cosmic burst at the centre of a distant galaxy that has burned for more than a week, longer than astronomers have ever seen before.
Calling it "one of the most puzzling cosmic blasts ever observed", the US space agency said it had mobilised the Hubble Space Telescope along with its Swift satellite and Chandra X-ray Observatory to study the phenomenon.
"More than a week later, high-energy radiation continues to brighten and fade from its location," NASA said in a statement. "Astronomers say they have never seen such a bright, variable, high-energy, long-lasting burst before. Usually, gamma ray bursts mark the destruction of a massive star, and flaring emissions from these events never last more than a few hours."
Jesus said one of the signs of the end of the age will be strange signs in the sky.  Could this be a foreshadowing?
When will mankind finally humble ourselves to the Creator of the Universe and realize that we control absolutely NOTHING in His vast creation?
When will we turn to Him?


Blogger Tom said...

Hi Dennis,

We Will Not Be Intimidated - Athens, April 11 2011 - FREEDOM FLOTILLA 2 Press Release!/notes/britain-2-gaza/we-will-not-be-intimidated-athens-april-11-2011-freedom-flotilla-2-press-release/116685965077703

Looks like the Iranian Navy Commandos are polishing their maritime skills.

Did you see the Arab League is to appeal the UN for Gaza 'no-fly zone'

Things are coming to a head.



April 11, 2011 at 8:50 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Hi Dennis,

This video is 2:51 minutes.

It is a must watch.

IHH Head Bulent Yildirim: New Flotilla Will Be By Land, Air, and Sea. Zionism Infected All Humanity Like a Virus.

It lay out their intentions.



April 11, 2011 at 8:56 AM  

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