
Friday, May 6, 2011

Aliens Make Front Page

The conditioning of planet earth to accept "aliens" continues at warp speed. (Pardon the Star Trek pun)  Today a story about aliens visiting Asia is on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

For any new readers here, remember that we believe that any creature calling itself an "alien" is really some type of satanic/demon being set out to deceive mankind.  And the encounters with these beings is the Tribulation of earth nears.

Trackers in Colorado at the Mutual UFO Network, one of the oldest unidentified-flying-object research organizations in this world, say that since the slump of the Western banking system in 2008, UFO sightings among Asia's fast-growing economies have accelerated. Suspicious UFOs have shut down airports in China, buzzed resorts in Borneo and lit up the night sky in Myanmar.

"It's not surprising, really," says Debhanom Muangman, a 75-year-old Harvard-educated physician and one of Thailand's leading UFO investigators. "Aliens have been coming to Asia for decades, but now they sense a change. This is where the progressive countries are, so they are coming here much more often now."

On a recent evening, devotees wearing necklaces depicting alien portraits trooped to the top of the hill to harness extraterrestrial energy to treat illnesses by laying on hands, or to meditate before a statue of Buddha. Periodically, people jumped up with video cameras when planes or other, less obvious, light sources appeared before settling in for a night of chanting.

"The aliens have been coming here to Kao Kala for at least 10 years," said Dusadee Prasomsuk, 39 years old. "When we meditate we can understand what they're trying to tell us—we feel it through our bodies and we understand."

Other researchers have gone further. Several members of the Chansamnuen family in Nakhon Sawan province say they have managed to communicate with the aliens telepathically. It began with Cherd Chansamnuen, an army sergeant, who used to go into a trance and then begin speaking and issuing commands in a strangely altered voice.

"The air began crackling," says Thanyasak Patamatanasun, 39 years old, a member of the Kao Kala group who once attended one of Sgt. Cherd's attempts to communicate with extraterrestrial beings. "Then an alien voice spoke to us through Sgt. Cherd and told us he was there to help human beings reach the next level of development."

See it here;

Let's review....people devoid of the Holy Spirit go to a hill top and chant and meditate...asking the "aliens" to come and bring them knowledge of the future.  Can we all see how this invites demonic deception?

Let's review army sergeant goes into a trance and then starts speaking in a strange voice reporting that the "aliens" were there to help humans reach the next level of development.  Can we all see how this may be demonic possession...with the demon speaking lies through a human body?

Luke tells us that the Satanic forces of the Antichrist, the beast and the false prophet will all come with lying signs and wonders.  They will be able to call down fire from the sky in plain view of men.

1 Timothy 4:1 tells us that in the very last days some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.

If the demons do show up (dressed as aliens) with all sort of marvelous technology (signs and wonders) and preform miracles (call down fire) and then start telling a story of how they planted humans here thousands of years ago and begin to tell us who Jesus REALLY is...and go on to CLARIFY what the Gospel REALLY meant to many people on planet earth will be able to resist their lying signs and wonders?  How many people will say, "I knew there had to be life out there from other planets!".....yet never imagine in their wildest dreams that these beings are actually from right here in our atmosphere, controlled by their leader, Satan....whom the Bible refers to as the Prince of the Powers of the Air.

Think about it.


  1. I am so glad you believe as I do. I always felt that aliens were demonic beings. No one ever has a pleasant experience encountering them. What a deception will be perpetrated when million of christians disapper and will be claimed to be abducted by aliens.

  2. It's true Yvonne....when you start looking at the evidence of people and animals that have interacted with these beings, it becomes VERY obvious that ARE NOT from the Holy Spirit, and that puts them in the camp of the evil one.

    "You are either for me or against me", says Jesus....and any messages or activities these "aliens" portray ARE NOT leading people closer to the Truth of Christ.
