
Friday, May 6, 2011

Dangers to Global Crops

I don't believe I need to give much commentary before this article.  It gets filed under the, "There will be famine" category of things Christ told us to watch for.

The world food situation is starting to get very, very tight. Unprecedented heat and wildfires this summer in Russia and horrific flooding in Pakistan and China have been some of the primary reasons for the rapidly rising food prices we are now seeing around the globe. In places such as Australia and the African nation of Guinea-Bissau, the big problem for crops has been locusts. In a world that already does not grow enough food for everyone (thanks to the greed of the elite), any disruption in food production can cause a major, major problem. Tonight, thousands of people around the world will starve to death. So what happens if things get even worse? Many agricultural scientists are now warning that global food production is facing dangers that are absolutely unprecedented. Crop diseases such as UG99 wheat rust and the “unintended effects” of genetic modification pose challenges that previous generations simply did not have to face. The outbreak of a real, live global famine looks increasingly possible with each passing year. So are you and your family prepared if a global famine does strike?

See it here;

And of course since this article was written, we have had a biblical flood in Australia and the worst drought in 80 years is affecting Texas and Oklahoma...further pressuring food production.  Oh yeah, throw in the hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland that were just destroyed yesterday in Missouri and Tennessee when they dynamited the levees on the Mississippi.

Remember, we Christians are not to have a spirit of fear.  Christ told us plainly that all these things MUST happen.  Rather, we are supposed to look at all these signs, happening in quick succession, with anticipation because they are letting us know that the King is Coming!!

Hat tip to Karl J.

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