
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another Swarm of Quakes

Last week we reported on the swarm of earthquakes happening on the California-Nevada border that was puzzling geologists.  It was puzzling to them because there were hundreds of little quakes happening in a place where they didn't even know a fault existed.

Today we have another swarm of tiny quakes happening on the opposite end of the Maine.

Searsport, Maine - As many as 30 tiny earthquakes have been detected over the last few days in the area between Belfast and Bucksport, but geologists say there's no cause for alarm. 

"Microquakes is what we call them," Henry Berry, a bedrock geologist with Maine Geological Survey, said in a phone interview Tuesday afternoon. "Unless you were right there, you wouldn't notice them." 

But plenty of people have been noticing, Searsport Police Chief Dick LaHaye said Tuesday afternoon, just minutes after he dispatched an officer to Savory Road, where a resident had called to inform authorities about another earthquake.

They've responded to calls about gunshots and shotgun blasts, calls from people who felt their feet vibrate along with the earth and calls about things falling off shelves - all of which were determined to be related to the earthquake, he said. 

See it here;

I think it's funny that the geologists keep telling us that there is no cause for alarm.  Huge quakes happening all over the world, worst flooding on the Mississippi in 80 years, worst droughts in various places in 80 years, worst tornado outbreak ever...but hey, really...there is no cause for alarm.  Nothing is happening!  Now seriously....just go back to sleep....this is all just a teeny, tiny nightmarish type dream....and when you awake....everything will be back to "normal".

You know what I think it is?  I think it's the world groaning as it longs for what it will become when Jesus returns and sets everything straight again.

But of course....I am no geologist.  So go back to sleep.

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