
Thursday, May 5, 2011

At All Costs

The flotilla of "aid" ships headed for Gaza continues to be in the news.

Of course those in the world who won't cut Israel one single break and believe that EVERYTHING they do is an international crime... want their ships loaded with Twinkies, blankets and marshmallows to make it into Gaza unfettered by those nasty Jews.

Of course the Jews realize that they have a blockade around Gaza because of the thousands of missiles that have been launched into their country.  Those missiles have been smuggled in from somewhere and most likely in a boat.  Also the ruling party in Gaza is Hamas, and they don't believe Israel has a right to exist on one single piece of postage stamp size of course their mission #1 is to see the demise of Israel.

So the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) will certainly not let a bunch of ships sail into Gaza without boarding those ships and searching them to make sure a missile isn't hidden somewhere amongst the marshmallows and Neil Diamond CD's.

The Israeli Defence Forces’ broadcast reported Wednesday noon an official's comments that the country would prevent the second freedom flotilla from reaching Gaza “at all costs.”

The source said that a consensus emerged during the meeting of the Ministers Committee on Security Affairs Wednesday on the necessity of maintaining a strict and complete blockade on Gaza, even if this entails using armed force in preventing the flotilla from entering the strip.

The broadcast mentioned that the Israeli navy and its elite forces are running drills around the clock to use the “wisest” ways in obstructing the flotilla and putting it under their control.

Of course we remember from last year's flotilla...when the IDF came on board the passengers came at them with pipes and knifes.  The Arab propaganda machine quickly photo-shopped the weapons OUT of their hands and then played the news report all over Arabia and Islamaville (yep, I just made that town up) that those nasty Jews had just boarded the Loveboat and killed 9 women and children who were sitting on deck eating marshmallows while listening to Neil Diamond CD's.

The funny thing is....the world SO HATES the Jews, Zionism and Israel....that they eat the photo shopped pictures as fast as the propaganda machine of Arabia can spit them out.

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Just a thought

    The Palestinian Hamas and Fatah are coordinating a May 15 Assault On Israel.

    May 15 Is Israel's 63rd Anniversary.

    The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty: Psalm 90:10

    You do the math. :-)

    Time tables are slipping for the Flotilla. Looks to the latter part of May now. Please share what you are seeing. It is hard to get a good picture. They are keeping it quiet.


