
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Arabs Seek Palestinian State

There really is no common ground on which to find peace with Israel and the Arabs of Palestine.  There will be wars and rumors of wars right up to the day Jesus returns and sets his feet on the Mount of Olives.

Israel is saying they will accept some form of a Palestinian state if they agree to NOT have a military and if they agree to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.  Of course the Arabs are saying there can't be any Jews in their hoped for Palestinian state...but of course they will insist that there HAVE TO BE ARABS in the Jewish state of Israel.  Quite frankly, it's unbelievable.

So with no desire of Hamas to make peace with Israel and even recognize Israel's right to exist...they plan on doing an end around and going directly to the United Nations....a hot bed of Anti-Israel sentiment.

(Reuters) - The Arab League decided on Saturday to seek full U.N. membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, with East Jerusalem as its capital, ignoring opposition from the United States and Israel.
The Arab League's peace process committee, meeting in Doha, said it would request membership for the state of Palestine at the U.N. General Assembly's meeting in New York in September.

"The committee decided to go to the United Nations to request full membership for Palestine on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital," it said in a statement.
The 1967 borders refer to Israel's frontiers as they stood on the eve of the 1967 Middle East war in which it captured the Gaza Strip from Egypt and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, from Jordan.
Here is just one other day where talk of Jerusalem is front and center on Google News.  It's just like Zechariah said it would be...the world will be reeling as it tries to figure out what to do with Jerusalem.

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