
Friday, May 27, 2011

National Geographic Promotes Alien Invasion

Fresh from the files of, "you can't make that up!" comes a good one.

National Geographic has announced a television show to air on Sunday May 22 examining the possibility of an alien invasion of Earth. The show features the realistic depiction of Earth’s military forces and major cities being overwhelmed in an alien shock and awe campaign. It raises the question of whether the public is being psychologically conditioned to accept the possibility of hostile extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. National Geographic’s “When Aliens Attack” follows a recent story on that Osama Bin Laden’s death paves the way for a false flag alien invasion.

See it here;

Hey now!!  We have a Minnesota Vikings stadium to build!  We don't have time to ponder psychological conditioning of humans by Satanic forces!  Can't we just continue in our ignorant bliss...and pretend that Satan doesn't exist...and that hell isn't hot?  Maybe if we hit the snooze button and roll over for a few more zzzz's this will all just go away?

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