
Monday, May 23, 2011

Barely Seen Blurb

Today's Wall Street Journal had this tiny print blurb on page A6...right near the bottom;

Financial Disaster Near, State Treasurer Warns
Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford said massive debt has pushed Illinois to "the verge of a financial disaster".
Mr. Rutherford said Sunday he opposes taking on any more state debt.  Two major borrowing plans are on the table in Springfield.
Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn wants to borrow billions to pay the state overdue bills.  Another proposal would sell bonds to pay for construction programs.
Mr. Rutherford said Illinois' bond debt has nearly quadrupled over the past decade and now stands at $45 billion.
The Republican treasurer said that amounts to $10,000 for every household in Illinois.

Funny how the Democratic Gov. just wants to keep borrowing to pay the debts.  As we have said in the past, that's just like you and me taking out a new Visa card and using the cash advance to pay the payments on our MasterCard.  That only works for about a month...but it ultimately makes things worse.

I guess many of our leaders have forgotten the common sense saying of our great-grandparents, "If you find yourself in a hole...quit digging." 

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