
Monday, May 23, 2011

Release the Prisoners!

What happens when states start to go bankrupt and can't pay their police officers, prison guards and prison expenses?  What happens when a society becomes so immoral that it has to imprison a large percentage of its many in fact that they run out of rooms in their prisons...and since they are stone-broke they can't afford to build any more prisons to detain all the felons?


And so goes California.....

Reporting from Washington— The Supreme Court, in a narrow 5-4 decision, has an upheld an injunction by a three-judge panel ordering California to release about 46,000 inmates -- more than one-fourth the state prison population -- over the next two years to relieve overcrowding.

The court said the state's prisons had "short of minimum constitutional requirements" and "needless suffering and death" have resulted.

See it here;,0,2921563.story?track=rss
Did you catch that??  They are going to release 1/4 of the prison population and will start with the "sickest" ones.  I guess on the one hand that makes sense...why should the State of California Prison System pay for Jimmy-the-felon to have $200,000 of chemotherapy treatment?  So they will let the felons go...and hope for the best!
We have been writing for the past few years about California being a foreshadowing for what is coming for the rest of us.  I would guess that Illinois will soon follow suit along with Arizona, Nevada, New York and the other handful of the "most-broke" states.
Can you smell The Tribulation coming?  Can you see how the love of most will grow cold?  Can you see a time coming when people will kill each other for another hit of meth or a loaf of bread?  Can you see a time coming when the police won't bother to show up when called upon because there won't be room to house a criminal what's the use in arresting anyone?  Can you see a time coming when it will be "every man for himself"?  Can you see a time coming when a great society will crumble because they insisted on worshipping the Satanic god of Mammon and dismissed the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob as a fairy tale?
Can you smell it.....?

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