
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Global Weirding

We have heard the term "Global warming" and of course "Global climate change"...but how about a new one?..."Global weirding" used by a climatologist to describe the crazy weather happening.

WASHINGTON, May 18, 2011 (Reuters) — Heavy rains, deep snowfalls, monster floods and killing droughts are signs of a "new normal" of extreme U.S. weather events fueled by climate change, scientists and government planners said on Wednesday.

"It's a new normal and I really do think that global weirding is the best way to describe what we're seeing," climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University told reporters.

"We are used to certain conditions and there's a lot going on these days that is not what we're used to, that is outside our current frame of reference," Hayhoe said on a conference call with other experts, organized by the non-profit Union of Concerned Scientists.

An upsurge in heavy rainstorms in the United States has coincided with prolonged drought, sometimes in the same location, she said, noting that west Texas has seen a record-length dry period over the last five years, even as there have been two 100-year rain events.

See it here;

How about another more appropriate term?....."birth pangs".


  1. Hey Dennis,

    I have been following the Arab press closely. Here is a significant one to share.

    Islamist Candidate for Egyptian Presidency: Israel's End Is Near

    In an article titled "Israel's End Is Near," Dr. Muhammad Moro, an Islamist candidate for the Egyptian presidency, claimed that the path to world freedom was the destruction of Israel, as it was the spearhead of global imperialism. He said it was the national and religious duty of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, and freedom seekers the world over to march peacefully in their millions to Israel's borders in order to liberate Palestine.

    The whole Muslims peacefully marching somehow doesn't compute for me.



  2. Hi Dennis, The shift in the Arab and Persian media is amazing. Read this article from The Tehran times today...

    Regional tsunami heading toward Israel

    It end with this thought...

    It is an undeniable fact that the new Middle East is very different. The wave of popular uprisings is not just a series of small protests that can be dealt with through crackdowns and bombardments. It is a devastating tsunami that is going to sweep Israel away.

    Psalm 83 on the horizon...



  3. This about sums it all up...

    Hamas MP: Jews Ingathered for us to Annihilate Them, Watch the video.



  4. Hamas Admits 'Peace Accord' is a Prelude to War

    And yet not a peep out of our media.



  5. Time and time again lately I have heard the media say that there are not more disasters just better reporting. They will not admit that something is going on. There are more disasters and the amazing thing is they are happening with more frequency and intensity just like Jesus said would happen. I wonder how much the believer will witness before being raptured. The rapture has to be soon.

  6. Its really amazing blog. Thanks for sharing such a nice informative article. If you want to know latest Global Weirding News may follow: Global Weirding News
