
Monday, May 9, 2011

Bin Laden Death May Sustain U.S. Dollar

 We have been writing for some years now about the precipitous course of the printed paper money we use called the dollar.  Our leaders (at the voters demands) have been setting this paper up for a calamitous collapse.  When this happens (and it will.....we just don't know when) and the USA loses it's reserve currency status, it will rock the world.

So here is some good news for those of us who are kind of fond of our current paper money system...and like using it to buy food, clothes and gasoline.  Turns out that those Navy Seals killing Bin Laden may have been a single event that props up the sustainability of the U.S. dollar for the foreseeable future.

How?  Why?

Because the country who has the biggest guns makes the rules, and as the world is figuring out that the USA can send navy seals in top secret copters and pluck any enemy they want to right out of their bed in the middle of the night.  That's power!...and people want their money held by someone who has that kind of know-how.

The death of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden means the U.S. military is quick and powerful and can do what it wants. It also means that since the U.S. military is that unrivaled, then the dollar will stick around as the world's only reserve currency.

"History shows us that the country with the strongest military is always the reserve currency," Steve Cortes, founder of the Veracruz market-research firm, tells CNBC. 

"I think the ability of those heroes, of SEAL Team 6, to project power globally shows us that U.S. military is uncontested in its dominance, and I think the currency will re-assert accordingly."

Read more: Cortes: Bin Laden Death Means Dollar to Remain as Reserve Currency 

Now before we get all excited and head back out to the mall to spend all your paper...the article also gives us a hint that these Navy Seals bravery and U.S. ingenuity may not be all that's needed to keep us in pie and ice cream.

Nevertheless, gaping U.S. deficits has others worried about the fate of the dollar, especially those in Brazil, Russia, India and China, the so-called BRIC economies.

Some say the International Monetary Fund's currency unit, the Special Drawing Right (SDR), should replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency, or at least share the role with the greenback.

With how quickly prophetic activities are happening, of course the USA could collapse and make a nightmare at any time...BUT....during a time when it is hard to find GOOD NEWS, I am going to categorize this story in the GOOD NEWS column and pray the Lord sees fit to sustain the USA until Christ returns for his bride.

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