
Monday, May 9, 2011

Greece to Pull Out?

We have been watching Greece.  Their balance sheet is awful, few people pay taxes, they promised a life of ease to the voters with early retirement, health care and pension plans for all.

Sound familiar?

Well the European Union was less than impressed with Greece's balance sheet and future plans to improve they made the Greeks take an austerity plan (cut your benefits, raise your taxes) in order to shore up their finances.  Needless to say, the Greeks on the street who had been used to working for a few years and then retiring to lay on the beach, drink wine and eat pasta....were less than happy.

So now they are protesting and may REFUSE the Euro demand for austerity.  They may just pull out of the EU, drop the Euro as their currency and start using their own paper that that they control the printing press to.  They hope to believe that they will simply be able to fix their problems on their own my printing more money.  If Greece goes down this path, it will be a disaster.  NO ONE WILL WANT THEIR PAPER MONOPOLY MONEY....and the investors of planet earth will flee Greece....thereby having the exact opposite effect and collapsing Greece even more rapidly than she already is.

Sound familiar?

The debt crisis in Greece has taken on a dramatic new twist. Sources with information about the government's actions have informed SPIEGEL ONLINE that Athens is considering withdrawing from the euro zone. The common currency area's finance ministers and representatives of the European Commission are holding a secret crisis meeting in Luxembourg on Friday night.

Greece's economic problems are massive, with protests against the government being held almost daily. Now Prime Minister George Papandreou apparently feels he has no other option: SPIEGEL ONLINE has obtained information from German government sources knowledgeable of the situation in Athens indicating that Papandreou's government is considering abandoning the euro and reintroducing its own currency.

Alarmed by Athens' intentions, the European Commission has called a crisis meeting in Luxembourg on Friday night. The meeting is taking place at Château de Senningen, a site used by the Luxembourg government for official meetings. In addition to Greece's possible exit from the currency union, a speedy restructuring of the country's debt also features on the agenda. One year after the Greek crisis broke out, the development represents a potentially existential turning point for the European monetary union -- regardless which variant is ultimately decided upon for dealing with Greece's massive troubles.

See it here;,1518,761201,00.html

Of course this is one other bit of news that will help the USA retain the confidence in our own paper money.  It is turning out to be that the USA is one of the LEAST-WORST places to have your money....because the confidence in the Euro may about to be put to an extreme test if Greece pulls out...because they may soon be followed by Portugal, Spain and who knows who else?

This, (in conjunction with our previous post on the killing of Bin Laden), could be how God's plan may roll out to sustain the USA until Christ comes for His bride.

OR....the confidence in our paper money could start to collapse any day now as the magnitude of our debt and the unsustainability of our budget and unwillingness of our leaders to cut it...starts to become clear to the the investors of planet earth.

Daniel seems pretty clear that the focus in the very last days,with the rise of the Antichrist, will be in Europe.  So even though all eyes are on the Middle East today, the power of the world will be sliding over to as we watch that begin to manifest itself we can get another idea of the lateness of the hour.

Every day is a great day to tell SOMEONE about the grace and peace that ONLY Jesus Christ can offer.  Have you asked Jesus who YOU are supposed to reach with the Gospel this very day? 

"The harvest is at hand and the workers are few." says Jesus.

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