
Monday, May 9, 2011

Egypt's Christians

When the unrest in Egypt started this spring, many of us wondered it this couldn't end up being a good thing.  After all, Mubarak was a thug and if the people could toss him out and replace him with a humanitarian leader...then peace, love, cooperation and happiness could finally flourish in this poverty stricken Muslim country.

Well....that hope didn't last long.

It appears that the first thing on many Muslim's minds was to take out their long simmering distrust on the Christians.

Twelve people were killed Saturday when Muslims attacked a church in Cairo, in the second incident of its kind since March. The attack set off violent clashes that ended in hundreds of injuries and almost 200 arrests.

The incident began when a Muslim mob attacked the St. Menas church after hearing rumors that a Christian woman married to a Muslim man had been kidnapped and was being held in the church. There does not appear to have been truth to the rumors.

The mob threw firebombs at the church, chanting, “With our blood and our souls we will defend you, Islam.” The crowds attacked nearby homes and shops with firebombs as well.

Many in the mob carried knives and machetes, and witnesses said they heard gunfire, which apparently came from rooftops.

See it here;

Let's remember to pray for the persecuted church.  Christ said that ALL will suffer persecution for His name.  We in America might call it persecution when a co worker laughs at us because we have a Christian fish sticker on our minivan....but in many parts of the world they are going to be defending themselves and their churches from angry mobs carrying guns, knives and machetes.

How many of us in America would be willing to die for our faith?  Even a simpler question;  How many of us in America are so convinced of our relationship with Christ and so familiar with His word that we are out spreading the Good News to our friends, co-workers and family?  How many of us would never dream of doing that because it might make us uncomfortable?

If we can't share our faith because it makes us uncomfortable....I think it's fairly easy to reason that FEW of us would be willing to die for it.

Wide is the road to destruction and many will be on it.  Narrow is the path to life and FEW will be on it.

Are we one of the "many"....or are we one of the "few"?

1 comment:

  1. No Sloth in His Service

    Laziness never yet had communion with Christ. Those who walk with Christ must walk swiftly. Jesus is no idler or loiterer; he is about his father’s business, and you must march with quick step if you would keep pace with him. As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, are sluggards to active persons. Those who have much to do have no fellowship with gossips, who drop in to while away the hours with chat.

    Jesus has no fellowship with you, who care not for souls that are perishing. He is incessantly active, and so must you be if you would know his love. There is a fierce furnace-heat beating upon everything today: men are toiling hard to hold their own, and Jesus must not be served by slothful hearts. I am sure that I err not, from his mind, when I say to you, beloved, if you would know the Beloved fully you must get up early, and go afield with him to work with him. Your joy shall be in spending and being spent for him.

    From a sermon by Charles Haddon Spurgeon delivered August 18, 1872
