
Monday, May 16, 2011

Russia Threatens to Destroy the World

We know that Russia is the key player named in the coalition mentioned in Ezekiel 38.  And of course we have watched that coalition build with Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Next we should be watching for Russia to start being more bellicose and threatening as the day of this war draws closer.

With that being said, take 2 minutes and watch this video out of Russia.  You will see Russia's speaker of the house threatening to destroy millions of people anyplace on the planet with some new secret weapon.  He also makes some statement about the tsunami in not sure if he is taking credit for causing it?? Of course we know that Japan and Russia have been at odds over their territories since WWII ended....and recently this conflict has heated up what the heck is this dude saying?

Video is here;

Also remember our blessed hope.  Many key prophecy watchers believe that the rapture of the church will happen BEFORE Ezekiel's War of chapter 38 happens.

So as we watch more evidence of this coming war about to close could we be to the day when the trumpet blows and the Lord himself comes to snatch us away like a thief in the night?  With that in mind, let's try and snatch some of our friends, family, co-workers and neighbors from the fires of hell before that trumpet sounds.

The harvest is at hand and the workers are few.  Lord, help us to be workers in these last days.

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