
Monday, May 16, 2011

Violence Erupts in Israel

While we were in adult education yesterday speaking about the tension getting ready to boil over in was erupting while we were talking.

(Reuters) - Violence erupted on Israel's borders withSyria, Lebanon and Gaza on Sunday, leaving at least eight dead and dozens wounded, as Palestinians marked what they term "the catastrophe" of Israel's founding in 1948.
Israeli troops shot at protesters in three separate locations to prevent crowds from crossing Israeli frontier lines in the deadliest such confrontation in years.
Israeli and Syrian media reports said Israeli gunfire killed four people after dozens of Palestinian refugees infiltrated the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights from Syria, along a disputed border that has been quiet for decades.
I believe the death toll of Arabs shot by IDF has now climbed to 12-15 since this article was published. 
So here's the deal...Syria has just butchered over 1000 Arabs and imprisoned and tortured thousands more, but the world doesn't say anything.  Now watch and see what happens when Jews in the IDF kill a dozen Arabs who were TRYING TO STORM ACROSS THEIR INTERNATIONAL BORDER.  I predict the world will have a cow.  The shouts will come from humanitarian groups, Arab groups and anti Israel groups from all over the world.   Meanwhile they will continue to let Arabs slaughter Arabs in Syria and won't say a word...and the Arabs will slaughter blacks in Sudan and the world has almost totally forgot that humanitarian crisis that continues to this day.
As we have said all along....when you see something that makes NO LOGICAL SENSE has to wonder if there is a supernatural reason behind it.

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