
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Full Blown Return of Anti-Jew in Europe

I read this morning that Scotland has proposed putting yellow stickers on every product in their stores that comes from Israel.  It made me wonder how long it will be until Scotland starts requiring yellow stickers on every Jew.

Last week we blogged on the Anti-Jew sentiment rising up in Norway.

Now we find this;

During the last decade, synagogues were vandalized or set on fire in Poland, Sweden, Hungary, France. Anti-Semitic inscriptions are being drawn on building walls in Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, London, Berlin and Rome. Jewish cemeteries are being ransacked. Jews are being attacked on the streets of most major cities on the continent. In the Netherlands, the police use "decoy Jews" in order to try arrest the perpetrators red-handed.

The new, current anti-Semitism now adds on to the old kind, the demonization of the State of Israel. The Islamic view of Israel is now the dominant view of Israel in Europe. The idea that Israel is a "colonial power" that has "robbed" people of their land, and is an "artificial State", even though the Jews have been on that land for three thousand years -- and even though many states in the area, such as Jordan and Libya, and Iraq are even more illegitimate, their borders having been drawn on paper by the British in the 1920s -- is a commonplace among journalists.

Hatred towards Israel is now the most widely shared sentiment among Europeans, whatever their place on the political spectrum. It is now through hatred of Israel, that hatred of Jews as annoying "troublemakers" can again express itself.

See it here;

Of course Zechariah tells us in 13:8-9, "In the whole land", declares the Lord, "two thirds will be struck down and perish; yet one third will be left in it.  This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold.  They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, 'They are my people,' and they will say, "The Lord is our God.'"

So why does Satan always want to kill all the Jews?  Because he doesn't want any Jews alive to call on God's name...and thereby break the Truth of scripture.  Look for this pattern in other Satanic plans as well.

In this case the Truth of scripture tells us that 2/3 of the Jews will be struck down in the coming Holocaust...but 1/3 will be refined through the fire.  Can you see how  rising Anti-Semitism is a foreshadowing of what is coming?


  1. Hi Dennis, Wow things are moving. Was reading today about Yemen. They are on the brink of full blown civil war.

    Small side point in Shia 12er eschatology it is the Army from Yemen that takes mecca. Wonder who will come out on top in the pending civil war there. Probably someone that does not support the Jewish cause.



  2. Hey again, Check this out, Scotland to split from UK and 'be a nation again'? With a referendum looming, critics allege an independent Scotland would likely be at odds with the US on many issues.


