
Friday, June 3, 2011

Good News From France

With discouraging news surrounding us on all sides, we continue to keep our eyes peeled for some positive news.  Today we found a glimmer of hope from the international community when France said that any Israeli peace plan must be "two states for two peoples" and not simply a "two state solution".

Some might say this is simply semantics, but it is much more than that.

Understand this;  the Arabs are saying they want two states with one being Palestine, where no Jews will be allowed and the other being Israel where they plan on having millions of Arabs...and the far ranging plan for Hamas is to have no Jews in Israel either.  In other words...two states loaded with Arabs and no Jews.

What France has done now is correctly frame the distinction that if the Arabs are going to have one state with NO JEWS then the Jews should get a state that has NO ARABS.

French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a proposal on Thursday aimed at breaking the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock before the expected showdown at the UN General Assembly in September.

In a first for the wider international community, the French initiative incorporates the position that the goal of negotiations is "two states for two peoples," not just "a two-state solution."

The border issue would be discussed based on the 1967 borders with agreed land swaps, in keeping with U.S. President Barack Obama's speech.

So yes, I realize this is a stretch to qualify as GOOD NEWS...but give us credit for trying.

And then near the end of the article we have this nugget;

If no progress is made in the peace process by September, France would consider recognizing a Palestinian state, he said.

See it here;

So it appears that France is saying that they want pressure applied to Israel and the PLO to come to some peace terms...but if they don't, then France would probably join the international call to recognize a Palestinian state in September when the UN meets for its General Assembly.

We will have to ponder this more....but doesn't that make it sound like MOST of the pressure from France has been laid on Israel...since France has said they may support a Palestinian state in September if NO PROGRESS IS MADE?

Holy bait and switch!  Maybe this isn't GOOD NEWS at all?  Maybe its just more bad news for Israel being concealed by pretty wrapping paper!

Guess we will have to continue to watch and see how God will allow it to play out.

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