
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gay Pride Coming to White House

This can't be good.  Its being reported that President Obama, the leader of the free world and the most powerful man in the world, is going to be hosting a gay pride event at the White House at the end of the month.  Of course this will be to commemorate the gay pride month of June.

Still, as the President gets ready to host a Gay Pride event at the White House at the end of the month, and attend a "Gala With the Gay Community" this week in New York City, plenty of people want to know where he really stands.
And then we have the openly gay congressman, Barney Frank, acknowledging that Obama is pro-gay marriage.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) told the New York Times that he thinks Obama supports gay marriage in principle, but doesn't think it's politically workable at this time.

"My own view is that I look at President Obama's record, he was probably inclined to think that same-sex marriage was legitimate, but as a candidate for president in 2008 that would have been an unwise thing to say. I don't mean that he's being hypocritical," Frank said.

See it here;

With the worst flooding in history coming down the Missouri and pushing into the already catastrophically flooded Mississippi, and the Federal Reserve set to quit buying Treasury Bonds at the end of the has to wonder if the USA is getting set up in perfect storm.  Could it end up being a REALLY BAD IDEA to host a gay pride event right in the midst of this epic flooding?  How many times can one country poke God in the eye and get away with it?

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