
Monday, June 20, 2011

Levees Breeched in Missouri

The water just keeps coming.  The Oahe dam (in Pierre SD) has been releasing twice as much water as they EVER have...and if that wasn't bad enough for those folks down stream, another 4-5 inches of rain is expected in the basin in the next 4-5 days, so they now increased the release at Oahe by 10%

And this water all is flowing fast towards the already flooded Mississippi.  I wonder who is going to pay for all these coming losses?

Now today we are finding some signs that the levees may really be put to the test in numerous states downstream.

KANSAS CITY, Mo.- Several levees in northern Missouri were failing Sunday to hold back the surge of water being released from upstream dams, and locals braced themselves for more breaches as the Missouri River dipped but then rose again.

A hole in the side of a Holt County levee continued to grow, deluging the state park and recreational area in Big Lake, a community of less than 200 people located 78 miles north of Kansas City. The water _ some from recent rain _ started pouring over levees Saturday night and Sunday morning in Holt and Atchison counties, flooding farmland, numerous homes and cabins.

See it here;

Also remember that this water isn't going to pass and recede like a flash flooded creek....the Corps of engineers is saying that they may be releasing this amount of water through the Missouri river through September.

The news of expensive repairs, lost businesses, displaced people and swamped farmland just keeps coming.

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