
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Social Program Gone Wild

Today's Washington Post has an article about the poor people living in London who are going to have to move from the expensive apartments because the government is broke and can't pay for their rent anymore.

Seriously, you have to read this to believe it.

Poor immigrants struggling to survive in one of the world’s most expensive cities, the family of four nevertheless lives in a sunny, two-bedroom flat in an enclave of urban privilege. Their benefactor: the British government, which covers 85 percent of their $3,600-a-month rent through welfare benefits giving tens of thousands of low-income earners access to even the best neighborhoods. But the clock on such subsidized London lifestyles is suddenly running out.

The Conservative-led government is rolling out Britain’s most sweeping welfare reform since the 1940s, taking aim at the ballooning bills in cities such as London, where a few families receive as much as $160,000 a year to ensure economic diversity and quality housing for the poor in some of the priciest districts in the world. Yet as benefits are rolled back, academics are warning of a major side effect: an exodus of the poor from central London in numbers not seen since the demolition of soot-caked Dickensian slums in the 19th century.

See it here;

The article goes on to tell about stories about people making $800 per month but living in $5000/mo rent apartments....all generously paid for by a government who believed they could simply print money out of thin air and make this charade continue forever.

Unrest will continue to spread as governments take away benefits that have conned multiple generations of people to believe that the government owes them some standard of living.

Watch and see what happens when California starts taking away food stamps, welfare checks and rent subsidies from millions of folks in Los Angeles, Oakland and Sacramento.  Do we really believe that these people will immediately go out and start looking for work?  What job could they find?  How many jobs are available?

Now take that scenario and multiply it by Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Denver, Phoenix, etc....

Strange times are coming.  The foundations of the wealthy nations fictitious utopia are going to be severely shaken.  Are we all holding on tight to the foundation that only Jesus Christ can provide?  Have we built it on rock or have we been deluded to believe we can build it on sand and survive the coming storm?

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