
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Israel and Iranian Missiles

Iran has been testing its missiles the last few days as it exercises its war muscles.  The latest missiles it fired off are said to have a range of 1250 miles....and Israel is well within that range, as are many U.S. military bases in the region.

Here is what the Tehran Times had to say about this glorious achievement:

TEHRAN – A top military official restated Iran’s statement that Israel and the U.S. bases in the region and are within Iran’s missile reach. The statement came as the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps successfully test-fired 14 locally-produced missiles on Tuesday.

“U.S. targets in the region and Israel are within the range of Iran’s missiles,” Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force, told reporters on Tuesday.

Iran has repeatedly warned that it will not hesitate for a moment to retaliate forcefully if Israel does any attack against Iran.
“Our extra-regional enemies are the U.S. and the Zionist regime and we do not feel a threat from any other country, thus we do not need missiles with a range longer than 2000 kilometers,” he noted.
Salami also said in the near future the IRGC will test-fire missiles on movable targets at the sea.
See it here;
Now think back to some of our postings about Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) disruptions caused by an atomic weapon detonated in the atmosphere.  We know that if that happened all things that run on electricity would be knocked out.  We also know that the CIA has hard evidence that Iran has been doing practice launches of missiles in the Persian Sea from freighter ships that simulate an EMP attack.  And we also know that Iran understands that electricity is the Achilles heel of the USA.  If it were knocked out for a month or two our country would NEVER survive the anarchy that would ensue. 
So what if Iran were to put a small nuke on one of these 1250 mile missiles...put it on a freighter ship and got it into international waters a few hundred miles off the coast of New York?  What if they launched it to detonate over Ohio and it knocked out all electrical functions for 1000 mile radius?  As the Wall Street Journal reported a few years ago (that we posted to this blog), if that happened America would never Iran knows that we are one missile away from destruction.  Could that be why their president Ahmadinejad keeps saying in all his speeches to, "Imagine a world with no America or Israel.  This can happen...and it will happen."  (if this all sounds like the plot to a Joel Rosenberg are on the right track)
Is it possible that God could be preparing Iran to bring judgment to the USA just like he prepared Babylon to bring judgment to Judah 2500 years ago?  Remember, we worship a God who is NEVER CHANGING!



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