Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Israel Warns Syrian President Assad

A Kuwaiti newspaper reports that Israel has warned Syrian President Bashar Assad that if he will be targeted if he tries to start a war with Israel to take the glare off his brutal suppression of the uprising in his country.

The al-Jarida newspaper reported that the warning was sent through mediators in Turkey following intelligence reports of exceptional movements of Syrian troops and re-location of long-range missiles.

Israel last month said there was clear evidence that the Syrian regime paid residents to storm the Israeli border at the Golan Heights and engage the army, which killed approximately a dozen Syrian Arabs in clashes.

Despite mounting opposition to Assad, Syrians are united in their hatred for Israel and their demand for the Golan Heights, where approximately 50 percent of the population now is Jewish.

See it here;

Remember that we are watching for movement and development of Isaiah 17 which is an oracle against Damascus.  So when we see Israel warning to pick off the Syrian President if he does something stupid like attack is worthy of watching.


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