
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 Already Costliest Year EVER

The headline today is claiming that 2011, even though we are only 7 months into it, is the costliest year for disasters EVER!

Natural disasters across the globe have made 2011 the costliest on record in terms of property damage, and that's just six months in, according to a report released Tuesday by a leading insurer that tracks disasters.   

The first six months saw $265 billion in economic losses, well above the previous record of $220 billion set for all of 2005 (the year Hurricane Katrina struck), according to Munich Re, a multinational that insures insurance companies.

For the United States, 98 events (storms, flooding, fires and earthquakes) left $27 billion in economic losses, more than double the 10-year average of $11.8 billion, Munich Re stated.

The total number of events is trending up as well: The first half of 2011 has already produced more events than most entire years before 2006, the company found.


"It can only be explained by global warming," he added.
See it here;

Unbelievable!!  Israel is in the news everyday, the people of the Arab world are rising against their Kingdoms, nations are rising against nations, famines are building, disease and pestilence are taking over, massive earthquakes, tidal waves and tornadoes.....EVERYTHING THE BIBLE told us to watch for is happening....and yet IT CAN ONLY BE EXPLAINED BY GLOBAL WARMING!!

"My people perish for lack of knowledge". 

Lord forgive this lost generation.  We know not what we do.

1 comment:

  1. there are things going on that people are not aware of. Go to the you tube video, something wrong with the sun, moon and earth. The moon has shifted with no explaination. There were also two suns seen in the east. this is amazing when you consider the end time prophecy that there will be signs in the heavens.
