
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Worst President....EVER!

One of the things we admire about ex-UN ambassador John Bolton is his willingness to tell it like it is.  Of course the politically correct cringe....but we like it.

Today's headline from the Jerusalem Post has John Bolton saying that Obama is the worst president EVER when it comes to U.S. relations with Israel.

Bolton: Obama worst president for Israel – ever

US President Barack Obama is “the most anti-Israel president in the history of the state, without any question,” John Bolton, the former US envoy to the UN and a man considering entering the presidential race against Obama, told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

“If you think that this is just a misunderstanding of where the green crayon went in 1949, then think again,” Bolton said of Obama. Bolton’s comments came during a meeting he had with the Post’s editorial board.

Bolton, who is currently a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a Fox News commentator, said that Obama bought in to what he said was the “European line” that if you make progress between Israel and the Palestinians “sweetness and light” will break out in the region, and every other problem from Iran to terrorism will be easier to solve.

“I think that is like looking through the wrong end of the telescope,” he said.

See it here;

Two huge problems here...number 1 is that the USA will get cursed if we continue on the path to cursing Israel.  Number 2 problem is the idea of how CLUELESS Obama is if he believes that sweetness and light can EVER break out in Muslim lands.  They are worshipping the wrong god and the spirit of the god they worship (given by the Prince of the earth) is terribly anti-Israel and anti-Jesus.

We need to continue praying that Muslims will continue coming to Jesus and also we need to continue praying for our leaders.  I know our political leaders seem hopelessly lost but that doesn't mean we can quit praying for them.

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