
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

America Under Divine Judgment

America has been a pretty outstanding country these past 235 years....far from perfect but MUCH better than most countries the world has seen.  How did we get this blessing?  Of course we got it directly from our God, the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Trinity that includes Jesus Christ.

Focus on the Family had a speaker last week that reminded us how the Constitution was put together by God fearing, Christ following Christians (except for Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin) many of whom were ordained ministers preaching the Gospel.

This country has been blessed because followers of Christ also happen to make good citizens of society...and our founding fathers knew that the documents they were laying out to form our Constitutional Republic were reliant on keeping that population as Christ followers.

So how far have we fallen in the last 60-70 years?

John MacArthur says we are already under divine judgment....and we would have to agree. 

Evangelical preacher John MacArthur spoke at the 2011 Resolved Conference in Palm Springs, Calif., Saturday evening, saying America’s sins were akin to that of Israel’s and the nation was under divine judgment.

“Materialism, drunkard pleasure seeking, arrogant conceit, defiant sinfulness, moral perversion, and corrupt leadership… Do you not see [them] in America?” MacArthur asked a roughly 3,000-strong Christian audience at the four-day conference which began June 24.

The head pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif., MacArthur identified Israel’s six sins leading to six curses on that nation from Isaiah 5, saying those misdeeds were not isolated to Israel.

Author of more than 150 books, the evangelical leader said, “I look at America… people say what is wrong with this country. That is what’s wrong with this country. Right there. They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself.”

Talking about the sin of arrogant conceit, he said America was guilty, too. It is “when a society does not want to hear from God, but wants to be its own authority where every man does that which is right in his own eyes and feels that he is the ultimate authority, he is the ultimate source of truth,” he explained.

See it here;

Thank you heavenly Father for the blessing of living in the USA for all of my life.  It has been a privilege.  Father forgive us for squandering those blessings and believing we no longer needed you to keep this country great. Forgive us for worshiping false gods of materialism and in the process ignoring Your word and  Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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