
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mormon Ads

If you have had your TV on in the last year you have probably seen the Mormon ads that end with a good looking man or woman saying the phrase, "My name is Tony...and I'm a Mormon."

So what's up with all the Mormon ads?  Simply's just another tool of Satan attempting to lead people away from the Truth of Jesus Christ.

But Dennis!...Mormons call themselves "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" they are Christians just like you and me!

If that's what you believe, you better read up on Joseph Smith and the "revelation" that he claimed to have and ask yourself whether or not it lines up with the Gospels of Jesus Christ.

We believe all this push by the Mormons falls into the category of, "false Christs and false religions...attempting to lead the elect astray".

NEW YORK CITY — You see them everywhere in New York City these days: smiling, happy faces looking down from billboards, beaming from subway advertising placards, flashing by on top of hundreds of taxi cabs and illuminating Times Square on a huge video display.

Mormons. Everywhere.

The faces are part of the LDS Church's "I'm a Mormon" advertising campaign, which was tested in nine different U.S. cities during the summer of 2010 and launched two weeks ago in New York City. The campaign hopes to attract people to the church's website, where visitors can, according to a church press release, "read the profiles of more than 30,000 Mormons, chat live with representatives who will answer questions about the faith and watch dozens of videos giving a glimpse into the lives of Latter-day Saints from all over the world."

And so far, it seems to be working.

"Since the launch of the New York campaign, we've noticed a significant increase in visitors to," said Scott Trotter, spokesperson for LDS Church's Public Affairs Department. "Most of the recent traffic to the site is coming from mobile devices. This change suggests people 'on the go' are visiting the site after encountering the ads."

As a religion, branding a religion, I can't recall [another one] offhand," Fisk said. "It's quite a testimonial. [The campaign] shows how different people come from different backgrounds and are all joined by the same common belief.

"Here," she continued, "[Mormons] are really trying to drive home the point that they are Christians and are 'one of you.'"

See it here;

They want the world to believe they are Christians and "one of you"?.....EXACTLY!!!

Now I encourage you to be a Berean and read up on the Mormon faith and decide for yourselves if Mormons are following Jesus Christ....or if they have all been led astray by a charismatic man named Joseph Smith who ADDED a whole bunch of false things to the Gospel.

"You are either for me or against me."  "You are gathering or scattering".

So is Mormonism gathering true followers of Christ or scattering?

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