
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Flotilla Delays

The Flotilla II has been attempting to sail to Gaza...but they keep running into problems.  Of course we know the world would love to use this event to provoke Israel and to further isolate them from the international community, but for various reasons the Flotilla organizers simply can't get the ships to sail.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday expressed satisfaction with efforts to stop the Gaza-bound flotilla. "We are witnessing a positive development concerning the flotilla," he said.

"The governments of Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey are working to curtail this thing. It's a result of extensive work by the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and the Prime Minister's Office.

"It's obvious to all that Gaza is ultimately open to all civilian goods and it is also obvious that the flotilla is a provocation which elements such as Hamas are exploiting," Barak said. He noted that malfunctions continue to delay the ships from departing.

It is yet unclear when and how the flotilla will set sail. One of the Free Gaza movement leaders Hawida Araf told Ynet that the groups are still trying to pressure Greece into reversing its decision to ban the ships' departure.

She said they have not ruled out departing without approval but admitted the current flotilla may have run its course. "Israel may stop the flotilla now but not for good. This is not just about the ships, but Israeli policy in general. 

"We are part of what goes on in Bilin, Jerusalem and the international movement against Israeli police. We will ultimately set sail and achieve our goals."

See it here;,7340,L-4090378,00.html

Maybe they should try and organize a humanitarian flotilla for Darfur or the Congo?  How about the poor Syrians who are being butchered?  Or how about Ethiopia?  Why such huge concern for Gaza where the market places are full and the gate to Egypt has recently been opened?

Of course we know the reason....the world has a supernatural  hatred for Israel and Jews.  And doing anything to taunt them, criticize them or pressure them, is what the world wants to do.

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