
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cash In Decline

Who uses cash anymore?  It is certainly more of a requirement today to possess a plastic card than to possess cash.  Try traveling on a plane and renting a car without a credit card.  Can't be done.

So this article falls into the "one world currency-mark of the Beast" category of what we are watching for.

WASHINGTON — The number of dollar bills rolling off the great government presses here and in Fort Worth fell to a modern low last year. Production of $5 bills also dropped to the lowest level in 30 years. And for the first time in that period, the Treasury Department did not print any $10 bills.       

The meaning seems clear. The future is here. Cash is in decline.       

You can’t use it for online purchases, nor on many airplanes to buy snacks or duty-free goods. Last year, 36 percent of taxi fares in New York were paid with plastic. At Commerce, a restaurant in the West Village in Manhattan, the bar menus read, “Credit cards only. No cash please. Thank you.” 


This is very profitable for the United States. Currency is printed by the Treasury and issued by the Federal Reserve. The central bank pays the Treasury for the cost of production — about 10 cents a note — then exchanges the notes at face value for securities that pay interest. The more money it issues, the more interest it earns. And each year the Fed returns to the Treasury a windfall called a seigniorage payment, which last year exceeded $20 billion.        

To meet foreign demand, the Fed has licensed banks to operate currency distribution warehouses in London, Frankfurt, Singapore and other financial centers
In March, largely because of the boom in $100 notes, the value of all American notes in circulation topped $1 trillion for the first time.

See it here;  

Can you believe that??  There is such a demand for foreignors to hoard $100 bills that the Treasury has licensed currency distribution warehouses in foreign lands!!

Can you imagine what is going to happen at the rapture of the church when millions of Americans disappear?  The USA financial system will come crashing down and drag every other country in the world right down with it.  When the smoke clears and the Anti-Christ is revealed....a new financial system will be needed to replace the one that crashed.  And eventually that system will require some sort of bar code that will be stamped on your body in order to buy or sell anything legally.  The Bible tells us that anyone who DOES take that mark will be condemned and will have given up any chance of EVER making it into the Lamb's Book of Life.         

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