
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Don't Get Married

What leads to the breakdown of society and civilization?  Simple answer is:  the breakdown of the family.

Of course we see this all around us as broken homes lead to unsettled children which turn into unsettled adults.  And we see teachers throwing their hands in the air as they are expected to feed, clothe, educate and council an entire generation of children who are getting little care and attention at home.

So what happened to the ideal situation of a God fearing man, marrying a God fearing woman and raising God fearing children who live by biblical principals and become good citizens of this country?

It's all crumbling.

"My people perish for lack of knowledge".

Now today we have an article that supports the idea that this marriage thing, that God designed, is further fraying.

More than 2 million couples will get married in the United States this year alone. Several hundred thousand of these couples should reconsider, postpone their weddings or not get married.

Shocking new statistics released recently by the U.S. Census Bureau suggest that Americans may no longer need marriage. For the first time ever, fewer than half of the households in the United States are married couples. In the past decade, the number of unmarried couples increased 25 percent as more people chose to cohabitate. A Pew Research Center study last year put it more succinctly, finding an increasing number of Americans now believes marriage is "becoming obsolete."

See it here;

Holy Co-habitation!  Americans may no longer need marriage??!!!  Well that certainly goes well with the other idea that most Americans also harbor...we no longer need GOD!

Friends, this country is heading for a train wreck.  I don't know the day or the hour....but this nation will not stand unless we repent IMMEDIATELY and turn back to the ONLY ONE who can save us.

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