
Friday, July 8, 2011

Implanted Bombs

Last week the TSA searched a 95 year old woman in a wheelchair before she could get a plane.  They even looked in her diaper to make sure the white woman from the Midwest wasn't planning on blowing up the plane.

Today we find out that the TSA might have to get REALLY tough and start doing cavity checks on everyone.  Why?  Because intelligence has found out that Muslim terrorists have looked into the possibility of having explosives surgically implanted in a would-be bomber.  That would sure make them hard to detect!

The US has warned airlines of a potential threat from militants surgically implanting explosives.
It came after the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo to security officials and foreign counterparts alerting them to the threat of "body packing".
Of course the article goes on to say that some experts think this technique is HIGHLY UNLIKELY....just what they said about suicide bombers hijacking planes and flying them into buildings.
The Western world thrives on openness and freedom to move about.  These terrorists know that if they want to shut down our already slow economies....they just need to continue making us fearful and paranoid.  With that...they are already doing a good job.

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