
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Finding Goliath

It's interesting that as the signs of the last days continue to increase in frequency....what's also increasing is archaeological facts that continue to prove that the Bible is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the help it God.

Of course the Arab/Muslim world continues with its propaganda that there were never Jews in the land even though all the history books and now unearthed coins, burial sites and cities seem to confirm exactly what the Bible was telling us all along.

In today's news we find that the ancient Philistines (of which Goliath was the most famous) really were EXACTLY where the Bible says they were.

TEL EL-SAFI, Israel (The Blaze/AP) — At the remains of an ancient metropolis in southern Israel, archaeologists are piecing together the history of a people remembered chiefly as the bad guys of the Hebrew Bible.

The city of Gath, where the annual digging season began this week, is helping scholars paint a more nuanced portrait of the Philistines, who appear in the biblical story as the perennial enemies of the Israelites.

Close to three millennia ago, Gath was on the frontier between the Philistines, who occupied the Mediterranean coastal plain, and the Israelites, who controlled the inland hills. The city’s most famous resident, according to the book of Samuel, was Goliath – the giant warrior improbably felled by the young shepherd David and his slingshot.

The Philistines arrived by sea from the area of modern-day Greece around 1200 B.C. They went on to rule major ports at Ashkelon and Ashdod, now cities in Israel, and at Gaza, now part of the Palestinian territory known as the Gaza Strip.

See it here;

I'm reminded of the story of the rich man who went to hell as told in the Gospel of Luke.  He told Abraham to send a messenger to the living to tell them that hell is real and very hot.  But Abraham says to the rich man that even if someone was sent back from the dead...the living wouldn't believe it anyway.  They had the prophets and the Word of God and they refused to believe.

Sounds eerily close to what is happening today.  We can see the signs all around us that Jesus told us to watch for and we can see the Biblical stories being confirmed before our very eyes...but still this generation continues to go about life as if nothing could ever possibly change...exactly as it was in the days of Noah.

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