
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Iran Invades Iraq

We will have to see if the mainstream media have ANYTHING to say about the fact that Iranian forces have attacked and taken over military bases within Iraqi territory.

NICOSIA — Iran has reported its first offensive in Iraq in more than 20 years.

The mullah regime in Teheran said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has entered the Kurdistan region of Iraq and captured several bases. IRGC said the bases were under the control of the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PEJAK), said to have been waging an insurgency war in northwestern Iran.

"Three bases in Iraqi territory were providing assistance to the terrorists," Col. Delavar Ranjbarzadeh, an IRGC commander, said.

The Kurdish rebel movement has confirmed the IRGC offensive but said at least five Iranian soldiers were killed. PEJAK as well as Kurdish Regional Government officials said Iranian forces have reached 10 kilometers into Iraq.

See it here;

As faithful reader, Tom, points out;  "So Iran is combating terrorism in Iraq using the Bush Doctrine of Preemption and now has its troops in Iraq. That "just war" theory thing has come back to bite us."

"Sarcasm...Good thing we are pulling out our troops from Iraq now after we have disarmed Iraq of an Air force, Heavy Armour, and functioning Army."

"And not a peep about this on the state department web site."

"Once again we are asleep."

Amen Tom!  We are sound asleep here in America.  Sadly it appears we won't wake up until it is simply too late.  Remember the Jews in Germany before the Holocaust broke out??  They were in love with Germany and simply were sound asleep to their enemy as he gathered at the gate.  It wasn't until the barb wire went up and the Germans started rounding up the Jews that they finally woke up....and by then it was too late.


1 comment:

  1. Hey again. Here is a back story on this.

    IRANIAN MP says that Iran is Entitled to Target Terrorist Camps

    TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior Iranian lawmaker stressed Tehran's right to take proper preemptive and offensive measures against anti-Iran terrorist groups, and underlined that Iran is entitled to target terrorist camps to preserve its security.

    This is exactly what Russia cited when they went into Georgia. We sat on our hands. We are doing the same thing now.

    The united states upset the balance. Now both Russia and China have included this doctrine in their strategic military governance strategy documents.

    Hindsight for the US.... Probably not such a good move to use preemption in Iraq.


