
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Newsflash; Homosexuality is NOT a Sin

A group of Omaha pastors has issued a proclamation that states homosexuality is not a sin.

More than 100 ordained Christian ministers have signed the proclamation, including leaders from Lutheran, Episcopalian, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, and Presbyterian churches.

See it here;

I will say it again....the homosexual agenda is coming for us like a flood.  Something about gays, lesbians, bi-sexual and transgender is literally in the headline news every single day.

And of course it used to be that Christians were supposed to be God's workers on earth who stood up and opposed immorality.  But sadly most have done EXACTLY what Christ warned us not to do....we have become conformed to the patterns of this earth.  We have become more concerned with being accepted by the people of earth than we are interested in standing for The Truth.

And how sad that these pastors are trumpeting these false teachings to their sheep.  And of course the sheep are so clueless themselves about what the Word of God actually says that they simply fall in line behind the false shepherd.

What a tragedy.  Mainline churches have gone from preaching the repentance that WE ALL desperately need to teaching tolerance of anything.  By saying they were "born that way"....they can use that argument to ultimately delude most people on planet earth to do anything their lustful minds can conjure up...and then claim they were simply born with that desire, so it must be OK.

Those of us who are authentic followers of Christ truly have our work cut out for us in these last days. 

But when Christians take a stand to support traditional biblical teaching on the issue, the Family First executive director laments that they are often perceived as "bigots" or "homophobes." He suggests, however, that the loving response to those trapped in homosexuality teaches that the lifestyle is indeed sinful, but that freedom can be found through Christ.

"It's going to be more difficult, the more these…activists [gain] inroads into our culture and the more common it becomes," Bydalek warns. "So we have a very difficult task ahead of us as those who stand for truth."

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