
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lot's of Folks Looking For a Savior

We have written about the 12th Imam, also referred to as the Mahdi.  Many Shiite Muslims believe he will return at the end of days to usher in Islamic rule all over the world....furthermore, many Muslims believe he is VERY close to returning.

Recently they celebrated his birthday.

Shiite Muslims honored the 1142th birthday of the 12th Imam on Monday with festivities across the Middle East. Thousands of Muslims in Shiite communities took to the streets to celebrate, visiting one another’s houses. The Shiites believe that the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, is hidden, living in secret among his people until the day when he will reveal himself and lead the world into a period of Islamic peace.

In the Islamic faith, the Mahdi is the ultimate savior of mankind. His appearance will usher in an era of Islamic justice and bring about the conversion of the heathen amidst flame and fire. The Mahdi will establish Islam as the global religion and will reign for seven years before bringing about the end of the world.

The beliefs of Sunni and Shiite Muslims differ on the identity of the Mahdi. Sunnis either believe that he is yet to be born, or that he was born recently and has yet to emerge. Shiites hold that the Mahdi is Muhammad ibn Hasan, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad born in AD 869 and the 12th and final Shiite Imam. Shiites believe the 12th Imam was hidden away by Allah at a young age and will someday appear at the Kaaba in Mecca – with (a Muslim version of) Jesus Christ - to bring justice and peace by establishing a pure form of Islam throughout the world.
Whatever global justice the leaders of Islam think the 12th Imam will usher in when he arrives with the Muslim version of Jesus, we know that it promises to look bloody for Jews, Christians, and anybody else not willing to bow down in submission to Allah.

See it here; 

Did you catch that the Mahdi is supposed to rule for 7 years before the world to an end?  Interesting that 7 years is the length of time the Bible tells us the Antichrist will be on earth before Jesus comes and puts an end to this age.

Satan has definately been busy weaving all sorts of webs...knowing that while one web works for one person that another kind of web works better for others.  But in the end the people all get decieved and eaten by the spider. (Satan)

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Check this out. Iran captures Kurdish bases in first Iraq offensive since 1980-88 war.

    So Iran is combating terrorism in Iraq using the Bush Doctrine of Preemption and now has its troops in Iraq. That just war theory thing has come back to bite us.

    Sarcasm...Good thing we are pulling out our troops from Iraq now after we have disarmed Iraq of an Air force, Heavy Armour, and functioning Army.

    And not a peep about this on the state department web site.

    Once again we are asleep.


