
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Israel Will Strike Iran in September

This next article falls big time into the "there will be rumors of wars" category that Jesus told us to watch for in Matthew 24.

Israel will probably attack Iran in September, a veteran CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East, including in Lebanon and Syria, told a Los Angeles radio show on Tuesday.

While former CIA officer Rober Baer didn't reveal the sources behind his prediction, he referred to former Mossad chief Meir Dagan's warnings of an Israeli attack on Iran as "no bluff."

Baer told the KPFK Los Angeles show Background Briefing that previous comments made by Dagan that an Israeli attack on Iran could lead to a regional war, "tell us with near certainty that Netanyahu is planning an attack, and in as much as I can guess when it's going to be, it's probably going to be in September before a vote on the Palestinian state."

See it here;

We also have heard that Israel had planned to attack Iran at other times in the past few years but that Washington had not give the green light.  But now Israel is not giving as much sway on Washington since Obama is the least popular president EVER in that country.  Also Iran is rattling it's swords almost on a weekly basis now...and every time the West is non responsive Iran gets further emboldened to rattle more swords.

3-4 years ago the world was saying that Iran only wanted nuclear power for peaceful purposes.  Now pretty much everyone knows they want a bomb.  Israel, of course, knew it all along and they will soon be the ones that will need to act.

Will the USA join them in their strike?  Or will this be the action that further isolates Israel in the eyes of the world so that soon they will be all alone....just the Bible said they would in the Last Days?


  1. Hi there,

    Just thinking.

    September is when the next window closes for the 86 moon cycle for the 7 year span of the last 3 feast. If this metonic theory is correct could it be that Ezekiel war is after the covenant of 7? There is so much that has to happen in a short amount of time looking at this from a military logistics standpoint.

    Interesting how the PA has been shooting for their statehood in the same time-frame. Do you think that the 7 year lease treaty for the west bank that the US proposed could fit the treaty prophesy.



  2. Hi there,

    Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has urged the implementation of widespread change in the management systems throughout the world.

    I would like to see what the full plan looks like. I would also like to know what the timeframe is.



  3. Last thought, This is a great article, The Soldiers of Imam al-Mahdi Summary...

    The forces of Hadrat al-Mahdi will be composed of various nationalities and at the time of uprising they will be called through unique means. The individuals who have been designated before as commanders will assume the responsibility of guiding the soldiers and planning war operations.

    The soldiers to be accepted in the army of al-Mahdi under special circumstances have peculiar characteristics of their own. Some will be present in the primary staff and some will join the army. A group has been called the security guard corps.
    This article looks at the hadiths related to this topic.

    It is long but the best overview of the Shia end times and march of the black flag army.



  4. Hey Sonja,
    not sure what the "follow me" app is...but I know that I have people who are following me. Also I have recently set up a twitter account at the urging of a reader. My twitter is; @thetrumpetblows

  5. Hey Tom, for what it's worth, this is the timeline that is in my head based on a whole seris of scripture, thought and conversation.

    First off, to protect the doctrine of imminency I will say that Jesus could come at any second.

    However I believe we could still be here when Psalm 83 breaks out.

    So let's say it were to go as this;

    1)Psalm 83 war...Israel takes territory. USA stands for Israel for a while but Israel is isolated.
    2) thrown into turmoil. USA is collapsed.
    3)During the confusion of post rapture world (does the Bible REALLY give a time frame of months or years before the peace agreement is signed that kicks of 7 years?) the Ezekiel coalition decides to march on Israel since USA is out of the picture...and God destroys them...and an awakening starts to happen to Jews all over the world and they start to come to Israel. They burn the weapons of war for 7 they are done burning by the time of the 2nd advent.
    4)Antichrist now comes on scene and and also (I believe) will have some sort of "alien" signs and wonders and will have the power to let the Jews come home to Israel and they will accept him as a false messiah. Here is a link about the aliens who want a third temple built for Elohim
    5)3rd Temple built VERY quickly
    6) 3 1/2 years in then Antichrist goes into temple and declares himself as god and demands worship.
    7)Time of Jacob's trouble.
    8)Antichirst gathers nations (and aliens, and demons from abyss) and they all gather for battle of Armegeddon after 3 1/2 years.
    9) Jesus smotes them all.
