
Monday, July 18, 2011

National Disgrace

Many Americans are starting to get the uneasy feeling that America is in decline.  This certainly isn't a new feeling because anyone alive in the late 1970's remember feeling like we were getting our butts kicked by Japan on every level, we had a crappy military that couldn't rescue a few hostages from Iran and if you wanted a mortgage you would have signed up for about 20% interest.

Today the feelings may be about the same as we are facing a government shutdown, a potential loss of credit rating, massive debts that most are starting to realize will NEVER be paid off, an education system that is producing kids who can't read or write, college graduates with $100,000 of student loans and no chance of getting a good job, and President who seems to have a goal of getting the rest of the world to like us.

With that as a backdrop, you really MUST watch this YouTube video from an Atlanta TV station which has uncovered a story claiming that American taxpayers are paying $millions to restore Muslim Mosques in Egypt.

See it here;

Let's remember that in the latest Zogby International poll, only 5% of Egyptians have positive feelings for President Obama....which would be the worst popularity ratings of any U.S. President by Egyptians.  And this is after he gave a speech a few years ago to a cheering crowd in Cairo.

The fact is we are borrowing money from China to restore Mosques in Egypt in hopes that the Egyptians will like us and quit supporting terrorists who want to destroy us. (The Muslim Brotherhood)

In reality, the Arab mind believes these actions are signs of weakness and further embolden them to take our money and laugh at the stupid Americans.

The sad thing is that they are right...we are stupid Americans.

As our moral compass continues to collapse, we will continue taking actions and making decisions that further solidify our destruction...and just like Rome....we will ultimately collapse from within rather than from outside invaders.

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