
Friday, August 5, 2011

Economist Predicts Financial Doomsday

Harry Dent is an economist who I had the opportunity to hear back in the early 1990's when I was at a convention in Las Vegas.  Back then he had a best selling book out called "The Coming Economic Boom".  Basically his theory is pretty darn easy to understand....consumers are at their max spending and saving mode in their late 40's and early 50's.  So when the baby boomers got to that age they bought every stock, every house, every car, everything in sight....and that drove the boom in the economy and the stock market.

Now fast forward to the age when all these baby boomers start selling all the stocks to support their retirement. (today)  Are there really enough 40 year olds with money to buy all the stock that the retirees are selling?  The statistics say no.  And who will buy all their 8000 square foot homes?  No one.  And who will buy all the crap that America sells at the malls which popped up on every corner during the hedonistic days of the 1990's and 2000 decades?  Not enough.  

So what will happen?  An economic depression that is only seen maybe once every lifetime....and according to Harry this day is closing in on us and will be here sometime after the next Presidential election in....2012.

Watch his interview here;

Are we all ready for our known world to come apart?  Are we all drawing closer to Jesus so our foundations will be well fortified to survive the coming storms?  Is our faith in His Word growing?  Are we maturing in our knowledge, trust and understanding...or are we stagnant and even falling backward?  Have we fallen so in love with the things of this world that when they are ripped away we will scream, wail and complain?  Or have we listened closely to our Master and believed His words about NOT falling in love with the world and the things in it and NOT being conformed to it's patterns?  Are we eager for the Master to return....or does the thought of the trumpet sounding and all believers being snatched from earth to meet the Master in the air, make you nervous and even depressed?

Let's all test ourselves, as 1 John suggests, to make sure we have the Spirit in us.  If you are reading this and saying, "I was baptized as a baby so I'm for sure going to heaven," better test yourself right now and see whether your life is bearing fruit of the Holy Spirit.

"On that day many will say, "Lord, Lord".....but I will say, "Depart from me. I don't know you."

Hat tip Mike S.

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