
Thursday, August 4, 2011

This May Be A Problem

We are all well aware that oil prices are a huge factor in the American economy.  If gasoline went to $6 gallon, one could safely assume that our economy would go even further into the tank

So the news that OPEC's new President is a member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard...may be a problem.

A senior Iranian revolutionary guards commander targeted by international sanctions has taken over the presidency of Opec after he became Iran's oil minister on Wednesday.

Ghasemi is currently subject to US, EU and Australian sanctions and his assets have been blacklisted by US Treasury and western powers. He took 216 votes from the 246 deputies present in the 290-seat parliament.

The appointment of Ghasemi as Iran's oil minister automatically makes him the head of Opec which has a crucial role in determining oil prices.
As its second-largest crude oil exporter, Iran took the presidency of Opec after 36 years last October and Ghasemi's position will give the revolutionary guards a unique opportunity to influence an international organization.
Did you catch that phrase, "...a crucial role in determining oil prices?"  So do you think he realizes what $6 gallon gasoline would do to the USA?...seeing that the Revolutionary Guard dreams of having the USA collapse and be gone from the world stage?
We will need to watch and wait to see what happens...but it is becoming increasingly clear that the USA is giving up more control of it's destiny with every day that passes.
China has control of our finances, Iran may have control of gas if someone messes with our electrical grid...we'll really be in a pickle.

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