
Friday, August 12, 2011

The End of Israel

Maybe you have seen in the news that Israel has approved building another few thousand homes in the West Bank.  They desperately need them because they have no place to live as their population continues to grow.  Of course this is making the Arabs really angry because they hope that the West Bank will be part of the territory in their new state they hope to declare in September...with the United Nation's blessing.

The isolation of Israel from the rest of the world is going to continue.

The article below is very interesting because it asks the question of how Israel can survive alone as the world's sentiment turns against them and as the Arabs/Muslims get ready to make another push to make Israel vanish back into the diaspora.

How can a tiny nation, hated wherever it resides, possibly survive? This has been the paramount question governing Jewish life for two millennia.

During Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, the country lost more than 6,000 of her finest soldiers, which was 1 percent of her total population, the equivalent of 3 million losses pro-rated for America’s population. A devastating start on the road of independence.

So when one recalls the reality that faced Israel in 1948 and where the country is today, it is nothing short of a miracle. Every other people so conquered and exiled has in time disappeared. Only the Jews defied the norm. Twice.

But, I fear, never again. That’s why Israel’s worst-case scenarios matter today, even if the peaceniks continue to protest against occupying anybody except the cafes in Tel Aviv.

Maybe imagining nightmarish scenarios is only the fantasy of some pessimist writers. Maybe Israel will live through a very quiet period ahead and the worst-case predictions will never materialize.
But Israel’s enemies are working for a future that is clear to them: a world without Zionism, a world without Israel.

In the mindset of the Islamic multitudes and Western appeasers, the goal is clear: they want an Israel that packs up and goes away. They dream about millions of Israelis with their suitcases in a long march that lead them to ships and aircraft. Destination: diaspora.

The Jewish houses left with everything in them, the Israeli postal offices empty, Yad Vashem closed, the Wailing Wall destroyed, the registry archives in Cesarea and Beth Shean vandalized, the Jewish bookshops toppled, the Knesset used by alley cats and the electric cars abandoned along the way like a huge flock of dead birds.

Call it the evaporation of the the State of Israel. The Jews would return to their homeless status in Russia, France, America, Poland. In Warsaw they might rebuild the ghetto. From Baghdad to Haifa, tens of thousands of miles covered only by the voice of Al Jazeera.

Can it happen? God forbid not. But if we peer into our hearts, can we really be completely sure that Israel will see its centennial in 2048?

See it here;

Of course we Bible believers know that Israel will never completely vanish again because God promised that once they were brought back from all the nations and Israel started to bloom again...which it has...that they will never be destroyed as a nation again.  Also we know that in Ezekiel 38 as the nations gather to destroy Israel, God himself will come and fight for her and destroy the gathered armies...and that event will be a watershed event for Israel and the world.

However, let us also remember that the OT prophets said a day was coming, during the last days, when 2/3 of the Jews will be wiped out in another Holocaust...when the Antichrist starts his extermination program against them during the Tribulation.

What we are seeing is foreshadowing of these two events.

Even so....come Lord Jesus!

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