
Friday, August 12, 2011

Let the Persecution Begin

Do you remember when Michelle Bachmann's husband got heat a few weeks ago when it was revealed that his Christian Counseling Business would dare to suggest that the Holy Spirit can "heal" homosexuality?

So we are getting a glimpse of how it will be.  If things keep going the way of the militant homosexuals who DEMAND that not only do we accept their sex lives but we EMBRACE and CELEBRATE their sex will soon be illegal to read the passages from Romans 1:27 and others within church.  Why?  Because it will break some sort of anti-hate law that will soon be coming...and the first thing that churches will be threatened with will be to lose their tax free status if they refuse to conform....which means they would have to pay taxes on all the money that comes in the offering plates and the congregants would be disallowed the deduction on their income taxes...which means a powerful blow to the way a church does business.

As we move towards this time when the right will become wrong and the wrong become right, we have more evidence of this movement in today's headlines.

Starbucks CEO Cancels on Church Linked to Conversion Therapy

Starbucks CEO and founder Howard Schultz canceled an appearance at Willow Creek Community Church after an online petition brought attention to the church's association with conversion therapy.

“Though Starbucks confirmed Schultz no longer planned to be there, the company would not attribute it to a campaign launched last week calling on Schultz to denounce the church’s stance before the event,” reports the Tribune.

The petition posted to drew more than 700 signatures and noted that Willow Creek maintained a long relationship with Exodus International, which teaches that gay people can be “cured” of their sexual orientation. The church ended its association with Exodus in 2009.

Here it is;

So what about us?  Will we cling to the Bible and continue to tell people about how Jesus came to deliver us from sin and that their is healing for ANYTHING through the power of the Holy Spirit?  Or will we follow the "tolerance" crowd who says that everything is OK because if you were born with a desire...then in must be OK to satiate that desire?

The Bible says that the lines will be drawn in the last days.  During the Tribulation, those left on earth will be given a choice to take the mark of the beast or die.  The foreshadowing we are seeing today is giving us a choice;  either we embrace the homosexual sex life and ignore biblical teaching or we stand firm and insist that people who claim to have the Holy Spirit can in fact be changed.

Where are we going to stand?  I think we need to make up our minds BEFORE that day comes...just like Daniel did BEFORE he was hauled off to Babylon.

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