
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Israel is Isolated in the Region

The world continues to grow more hostile toward Israel every single day....just as the Bible said would happen in the last days.

AS ISRAEL and Gaza continued to exchange rocket and missile fire, the diplomatic fallout between Israel and its regional allies worsened, with both Turkey and Egypt hardening their stance against Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

''Israel should know that the era in which our sons are killed without a harsh response on our part is over for good,'' Amr Moussa, a former secretary-general of the Arab League who is now a presidential candidate in Egypt, wrote on Twitter after the incident.

Egypt has recalled its ambassador from Israel - the last Arab ambassador in the country - while the Arab League was expected to meet on Sunday to discuss the crisis.

"Israel is isolated in the region," said Professor Moshe Ma'oz, a senior fellow in Middle Eastern studies at the Harry S. Truman research institute for the advancement of peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
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Yep, Israel is isolated in the region.  And what might happen next month when the incredibly anti-Israel United Nations, votes to allow a Palestinian state?  Watch the isolation grow....and watch for war to break out in September.

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