Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Study Confirms Children are Liars

This headline was pretty random, but caught my attention.

Lying is part of child's development, study confirms       

Only a fifth of 2-year-olds were able to lie. But by age 4, 90 percent were capable of lying. The rate peaked at age 12.

See it here;  http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/44065064/ns/today-parenting/

90% were confirmed liars by age 4!  I'm guess the other 10% just smarter liars and probably spotted the hidden camera in the corner and figured out they were being studied...so kept their lying a secret.  : )

Of course Jesus told us all long ago that when we lie, we are simply speaking our native tongue because we are all children of the devil who also happens to be the father of lies.

But leave it to some psychologist to attempt to put some type of scientific spin on what every Christ following, biblically literate parent already knows....we are all born as evil, selfish little liars who would just as soon put a knife in someone during a fit a rage when forced to share our toys...if we could.  This is not a LEARNED behavior....this is what we are BORN WITH!

Only by God's redemptive work on the cross are we saved from our wretched selves and transformed into a new creation.

Thank you Jesus for the work you did.


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