
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bible Believers Left Off 9/11 Program

Remember the National Cathedral in D.C. that was damaged by a bizarre earthquake a few weeks back?  Turns out they are going to have prayer and remembrance time on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  But the evangelical followers of Jesus Christ will not be found on the program.

A weekend of religious-themed observances at Washington National Cathedral marking the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks will include a Buddhist nun and an Imam, but not an evangelical Christian, leading the head of the Southern Baptist Convention to ask President Obama to reconsider attending the event.

“A Call to Compassion” will include an interfaith prayer vigil on Sept. 11. It will feature the dean of the Cathedral, the Bishop of Washington, a rabbi, Buddhist nun and incarnate lama, a Hindu priest, the president of the Islamic Society of North America and a Muslim musician.

“It’s not surprising,” said Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee. “There is a tragic intolerance toward Protestants and particularly toward evangelicals and I wish the president would refuse to speak unless it was more representative.”

Richard Weinberg, the Cathedral’s director of communications, confirmed that Southern Baptists were not extended an invitation to participate.

“The goal was to have interfaith representation,” he told Fox News Radio. “The Cathedral itself is an Episcopal church and it stands to reason that our own clergy serve as Christian representatives.”

He said the Washington National Cathedral serves as the “spiritual home for the nation” and as such, he said that “diversity was first and foremost” a factor in the planning.

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Friends...this is getting VERY serious when the director of the NATIONAL CATHEDRAL claims that it is the spiritual home of the nation and he has a Buddhist nun, Incarnate lama, a Hindu priest and an Muslim musician along with the President of the Islamic Society serving as representatives of our "spiritual home".

Prepare yourselves for more floods, earthquakes, financial calamities, civil unrest, famine and pestilence....because the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob will not be mocked.

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    Did you see that the Crane helping with the repairs at the National Cathedral from the earthquake was knocked down amid winds and lighting?

    Just made me smile...
