
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mark of the Beast Technology

Check out this short video of the latest technology to be going mainstream.  This was on the front page of MSNBC today.  Also understand that when the Antichrist comes he will not MAKE people take the mark in order to buy and sell....people will be asking for it....just like they are in this video.

See here;

Is it just me....or is all this Last Days stuff like floods, quakes, currency problems, famines, disease, drought, Iran-Turkey-Russia coalition, and signs of the coming Antichrist, all coming like a flood?

The video has the heading, "Wearable circuits may change medicine and technology".  Do you think??

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Have a look at this.

    Looks like bible believing Christians are not welcome at the national day of prayer.


