
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A United Nations Miracle

As we know, the United Nations is usually very anti-Israel.  So when the UN commissioned an investigation into who was at fault from last years flotilla incident in which 9 Turks were killed after they attacked Israeli commandos, we would expect an anti-Israel finding.

But a miracle happened.  The report faulted Turkey...and now Turkey is so mad that the truth came out that they have sent home Israel's ambassador and are in the process of cutting all ties with Israel.

A UNITED NATIONS MIRACLE is actually the title of the article in today's Wall Street tiny Israel continues to be the center of the world's news.

Here's a story for the man-bites-dog folder: The United Nations has conducted another inquiry into an Israeli military operation—and produced a report that mainly vindicates the Jewish state. And here, alas, is a story for the dog-bites-man folder: The Turkish government has responded to the U.N. report by withdrawing its ambassador from Tel Aviv and expelling Israel's from Ankara.

The Palmer report—named for the inquiry's chairman, former New Zealand Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer—was commissioned by the U.N.'s Secretary General to investigate the May 2010 "flotilla incident," when six ships sailing from Turkey to Gaza on an alleged humanitarian mission were boarded by Israeli commandos enforcing a naval blockade of Gaza. Nine passengers were killed (and several Israeli soldiers badly beaten) in the ensuing melee, sparking a crisis in Jerusalem's already frayed relations with Ankara.

Given the U.N.'s track record on Israel, one might have expected this latest report to be a reprise of Richard Goldstone's notorious report alleging Israeli war crimes during its 2009 war with Gaza (charges later retracted by Mr. Goldstone). Instead, the Palmer report offers a point-by-point rebuttal to some of the most preposterous accusations leveled against Israel.

All of this might have provoked a bit of soul-searching within the Turkish government, just as its once-warm embrace of Syria's Bashar Assad has. Instead, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has doubled down on his anti-Israel bets, insisting that Jerusalem apologize to Turkey, compensate the victims and lift its blockade of Gaza as the price for his forgiveness. The Palmer report is a fresh reminder—from the least likely of sources—of why Israel has no honorable choice but to spurn those demands. The Turks will learn in their own time that being Hamas's patron is a loser's game.

See it here;

As we speak the Turkish Navy has said they are going to start patrolling in the Eastern Mediterranean...and that they will not stand for any more "Israeli bullying".  Can you see a fight brewing?

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