
Monday, September 19, 2011

Everyone, Everywhere is Buying Gold

Of course the Bible says it in Isaiah and repeats it in Zephaniah 1:18, "Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them on the day of the Lord's wrath."

So as the day of the Lord's wrath approaches...what would you think the people of the world are doing?  Here is the headline today:

“Everyone, everywhere, is buying gold”

Gold, a safe haven just like the Swiss franc, is breaking records and should continue on its upwards spiral, expert Frédéric Panizzutti tells

Panizzutti, vice president at Geneva-based gold trading group MKS Finance, says gold’s advantage is that it can be exchanged all over the world and against all currencies. Who is buying gold?
F.P.: Everyone – and that’s what’s really changed over the past years in the market. Ten years ago, the dealers in gold were specialists, jewellers, traders and certain investors. Today gold has become much more popular. Everyone, everywhere, is buying gold.

Wow!  When you see everyone buying something like tech stocks in the '90's, (crash), real estate in the 2000's, (crash) and now everyone is buying gold??

People...we can see the enemies gathering around Israel, we can see the coalitions being made, we can see evidence of the one world government and one world currency, we can see wickedness and perversion on every TV station, we can see Americans worshiping the false god of materialism....we are seriously just waiting for the trumpet call of God and should be snatching our friends and families from the fire by delivering the Good News in a clear and concise way. 

The lost people of this world are hording their treasure on earth by storing it in gold.  The people that Jesus saved should be storing up our treasures in heaven.  What is the Lord telling you to do?

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